1851 Brockville Canada Directory

The County Town of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, is situated on the River St. Lawrence in the Township of Elizabethtown, Canada West distant from Montreal, 140 miles, and from Kingston, 56 miles usual steamboat fare to Montreal, 15s. usual stage fare, 18s. 9d. usual steamboat fare to Kingston, 7s. 6d.-usual stage fare, 17s. 6d. Population about 3,000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Assurance Companies, Banks, &C.
Bank of Montreal, Thomas Lee, agent, Court-house square.
Bank of Upper Canada, R. F. Church, agent, Main St.
Canada Life Assurance Company, A. Hurd, agent, Main St.
Colonial Life Assurance Company, John Rhynas, agent, Main St.
Commercial Bank, Midland District, C. J. Campbell, agent, Main St.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Johnstown District, W. B. Richards, secretary and treasurer, Main St.
National Loan Fund Life Assurance Co., and Equitable Fire Assurance Co. of London, John Reynolds, agent, Main St.

Public Officers
Campbell, T. D., deputy clerk of the crown and clerk of the county court.
Dickson, Benjamin, deputy sheriff.
Dixon, Anthony, surveyor of customs.
Dunham, Wm. M., preventive officer of customs, at Cole’s Ferry, 5 miles above Brockville.
Hays, Wm., clerk of the division court.
Jessup, James, clerk of the peace, surrogate court and county council.
Jones, David, registrar, county of Leeds.
Jones, Henry, postmaster.
Kelly, Robt., landing waiter of customs.
Malloch, Geo., judge of the county, division and surrogate courts.
McClean, W. B., town clerk.
Peden, Robert, mayor of Brockville.
Richards, W. B.., M. P. P. for Leeds.
Schofield, Jas. L., county treasurer.
Scott, W. J., crown lands agent, (resides in Prescott.)
Sherwood, Adiel, sheriff of the United Counties.
Sherwood, Geo., M. P. P., warden of the United Counties.
Simpson, W. B., collector of customs.
Weatherhead, John, revenue inspector.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &E.
BACON, JOHN, dealer in general fancy goods, clocks, jeweler, &c., Main St.
BOTSFORD, WARREN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, cutlery, pot ashes, &c.; Main St.
BROCKVILLE RECORDER, weekly paper, David Wylie, publisher, Main St.
BROCKVILLE STATESMAN, weekly paper, O. R. Gowan, proprietor, Main St.
BUELL, WM., bookseller, stationer, &c., Main St. a choice stock of books, stationery, &c., always on hand, at very low prices.
CAMPBELL, C. J., agent Commercial Bank, M. D., Main St.
CHURCH, R. F., agent Bank of Upper Canada, Main St.
COLTON, R. P., iron founder, Water St., manufactures every description of steam engines and other machinery, equal to any other house in Canada.
DIXON, ANTHONY, surveyor of customs, Courthouse avenue.
DUNHAM, GEORGE, M. D., Courthouse avenue.
EDMONSON, DR. ROBERT, physician and surgeon, Main St.
FITZSIMMONS, ROBERT, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, china, glass, &c., Main St.
FITZSIMMONS, WM., contractor and general carpenter, Home St.
FLINT, BILLA, dealer in dry goods, hardware, paints, &c., &c., Main St.
GOWAN, OGLE R., printer and publisher, Main St.
HARRISON, ED., dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, crockery, and provisions, Main St.
HEALY, JAS., innkeeper, Main St. travelers will find good accommodations, and charges moderate.
HOLMES, WILLIAM, architect and builder, Main St.
HOPKINS, BENJAMIN, tin and coppersmith, Main St. a good assortment of every article in the line, constantly on hand, at reasonable prices.
IUDDLESTON, J. W., stove warehouse, and tin and coppersmith, Main St.
HUME, THOMAS, county surveyor and architect, Orchard St.
HURD, ALPHEUS, barrister at law, Main St.
JONES, H. & S., forwarding merchants, Water St.
JONES & MCCLEAN, barristers and attorneys at law, Main St.
LAWLESS, EDWARD, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., &c., Main St.
LEE, THOMAS, agent Bank of Montreal, Courthouse square.
MCMULLEN, JOHN, bookseller, publisher and stationer, wholesale dealer in British and Foreign books, Main St. a good stock of books, stationery, &c., always on hand, at moderate prices.
MACDONALD, NORMAN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., Main St.
MACQUEEN, DR. THOMAS F., physician and surgeon, Courthouse avenue.
MATTHIE, ROBERTSON & Co., importers of dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., &c., steamboat wharf.
MORTON, MCKEE & Co., wharfingers, forwarders, and importers of dry goods, groceries,
hardware, &c., &c., and general exporters of country produce, Main St.
PARR, W. & A., dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, china, glass, &c., Escottville, 15 miles above Brockville.
PEDEN, ROBERT, dealer in dry goods, groceries, wines, liquors, and hardware, Main St.
Ross, J. & S., importers of dry goods, hardware, china, glass, and groceries, Main St.
REYNOLDS, THOMAS, M. D., corner of Pine and Market sts.
REYNOLDS, JOHN, barrister and attorney at law, Main St.
REYNOLDS, SAMUEL, general store, Main St.
SHERWOOD & STEELE, barristers and attorneys at law, Courthouse avenue.
SKINNER & MCCULLOUGH, manufacturers of hakes, saddletrees, scythe snaths, manure and hay forks, grain shovels, cradles, &c., Water St.
SMART, THOMAS, clothier and furrier, Main St.
SMYTHE, TERENCE W., M. D., surgeon dentist, St. Paul St.
STUART, GEORGE, cabinetmaker, Perth St. keeps always on hand or makes to order every article in the line, of the best quality, and at reasonable prices.
TAYLOR, JAMES, Brockville hotel, Main St. good accommodations for travelers or boarders, and charges moderate.
TURNER, ALLAN, chemist and druggist, Main St.
WEBSTER, T., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, and country produce, Main St.
WILLSON, WM. H., Willson’s hotel, stage house, and livery stables, Main St. for comfort and convenience this house is second to none in Canada.
WINKS, GEoRGE, dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, Main St.

Non Subscribers
Abbott, Wm., grocer, Water St.
Abbott, Amos, grocer, Perth St.
Atwell, Wm., watchmaker, Main St.
Beach, Stephen, innkeeper, Main St.
Beecher, Isaac, tanner, Main St., west.
Berry, H., innkeeper, Perth St.
Black. David, blacksmith, Water St.
Bulger, Patrick, grocer, Church St.
Burniston, E. H., innkeeper, Water St.
Camm, Thos., tailor and clothier, Market square.
Carron, James, carriage maker, Perth St.
Chaffey, Wm., plaining mills and shingle factory, west end of the town.
Cole, Abel, grocer, Main St.
Coleman, It., & Co., tannery, flour and saw mills, Coleman’s corners, 5 miles from the town, P. O. address, Brockville.
Cooper, Rev. George, Baptist.
Cowan, John, butcher, East Ward Market.
Dana, A. B., tanner and shoe store, Main St.
Denroche, Rev. Edward, Church of England.
Donaldson, Andrew, hatter, Main St.
Dubuc, Pascal, furrier, Main St.
Dunham. Ephraim, general store, Main St.
Easton, Joel P., blacksmith, Main St.
Easton, S. G., baker, Main St.
English, Rev. N. F., Wesleyan.
Gallagher., Stephen, tailor, Main St.
Gilmour, Wm. innkeeper, Main St.
Gilpin, William, painter, Main St.
Green, John, innkeeper, Main St.
Green, Wm., tanner, Perth St.
Griffith, Riehard, axe factory, Water St.
Harris, John, butcher, East Ward Market.
Hubbel, Dr. E., store and grist mill, Main St.
Hough, John W., president District Agricultural
Society. Woodlawn, P. 0. address, Brockville.
Jackson, H., saddler and harness maker, Main St.
Jones, Henry, postmaster, Courthouse avenue.
Jones, Ormond, steam flour mill, Water St.
Johnson, Rev. J. H., Episcopal Methodist.
Kelly, Rev. Oliver, Roman Catholic.
Kelly, T., tailor, Perth St.
Kilborn, Bradish, tanner, Main St., west.
Kilborn, Billings, stoves, tin and coppersmith.
Lennon, Hugh, grocer, Church St.
Lothrop, F. L., auctioneer, Main St.
M’Kee, Henry, conveyance, fancy goods, &c., Main St.
McMurray, Rev. J., Free Church.
McSweine, Rodk., innkeeper, Water St.
Manuel, Wm., dry goods, Main St.
Manley, Wm., tailor, Main St.
Murphy, Michael, butcher, East Ward Market.
Murray, Patrick, butcher, East Ward Market.
Nicholson, James, baker, Main St.
Northgraves, Geo., watchmaker, Main St.
Nottar, Thomas, shipbuilder, Water St.
Olds, Gershom, carriage maker, Perth St.
Parkyn, Wm., shipbuilder, Water St.
Parr, Arthur, saddler and harness maker, Main St.
Parr, James, saddler and harness maker, Main St.
Read, Isaac, storekeeper, Main St.
Richards, W. B., M.P.P., barrister at law, Main St.
Richards, A. N., barrister at law, Main St.
Shepherd, It.. saw mill, west end of the town.
Smart, Rev. Wm., Free Church.
Simpson, W. B., collector of customs.
Schofield, Dr. Peter, Home St.
Vanarnam, Charles, dry goods, Main St.
Wade, John, general store, Main St.
Walsh, Henry, baker, Main St.
White, Andrew, innkeeper, Perth St.
Windeat, Jas., principal of the Grammar School.
Woods, Wm., shoemaker, St. Paul St.
Wylie, David, printer, Main St.
Wylie, Watson & Co., importers, general store, Main St.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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