Biography of Samuel R. Langworthy

Last Updated on September 22, 2011 by

Samuel R. Langworthy is one of the most progressive and energetic real-estate and insurance men of Riverside. He established his office and business in May 1888, at a time when the “boomers ” were rapidly retiring from the field of real estate in disgust. He is not a boomer,” but is a wide awake, energetic business man, confining himself to legitimate straightforward dealings, and his success in business and the rapid extension of his operations are a sufficient proof that bona-fide real-estate transactions can always be consummated in Riverside, when based upon their real value. It is to his efforts that many desirable but cheap cottage homes are springing into existence on the east side of Riverside, and are being placed within the means of an industrious labor element that is seeking a residence in the city and valley. By a system of monthly payments but little exceeding fair rental for the property, he has made it possible for the poor to obtain comfortable homes.

Mr. Langworthy is a native of Ulster County, New York, and dates his birth in 1859. His parents, John S. and Emma (Fordham) Langworthy, were natives of that State. His father, Major John S. Langworthy, was a prominent merchant of Ulster County. At the outbreak of the civil war in 1861 he promptly offered his services to the Government, and was appointed and commissioned as a paymaster in the United States army. At the close of the war he was discharged from the military service and appointed Deputy Comptroller of Currency in the United States Treasury at Washington. He then brought his family to that city, and there the subject of this sketch was reared and schooled, closing his studies in the Emerson University. During his university course he devoted much attention to mechanical and civil engineering, and in 1879 he went to Colorado, and was for a year or more employed as a civil engineer, after which he located in Chicago and entered into business pursuits as a dealer in drug specialties. He was also at one time connected with the well-known publishing firm of Belford, Clarke & Co., of that city.

In 1886 Mr. Langworthy came to California and located in Riverside. Upon his arrival he established himself as an engineer and land surveyor, and was for the next two years employed in his profession in various sections of San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties. In the fall of 1888 he established his present business and has since conducted it. Mr. Langworthy is an educated and practical businessman, prompt and reliable in all his dealings, and is justly considered as a desirable acquisition to Riverside.

In politics he is a Republican. In May 1889, he was commissioned by the Governor as Notary Public. He is a member of Riverside Lodge, No. 282, I. O. O. F., and Lieutenant in Company C, Ninth Regiment, National Guards of California.

Mr. Langworthy was married, in 1884, to Miss Agusta Cox, a native of Canada. Their only child is a daughter, Arnie.



The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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