Biography of Samuel C. Pine

Last Updated on September 29, 2011 by

Samuel C. Pine, for over thirty years has been a resident, and identified with the varied interests, of San Bernardino County. He is now engaged in general farming operations upon 160 acres of productive land located in Chino Township, Chino school district, four miles south and east of Chino. In 1867 Mr. Pine purchased a squatter’s claim to this land, which was then in its wild and un-cultivated state. He spent years in litigation with grant claimants, but finally secured his Government patent. The first year of his occupancy he devoted his attention to stock-growing, but later commenced a system of general farming that has been successful and remunerative. He has a vineyard of ten acres of raisin grapes of the Muscat variety; also several varieties of table grapes; ten acres of orchard which produces a fine variety of peaches, apples, plums, apricots, pears, figs, prunes, nectarines, etc. His soil and climate seem well adapted to the successful growing of deciduous fruits. The remainder of his lands is devoted to hay, grain and stock. Of the latter he raises good grade stock of cattle and Norman draft horses. He’ is a successful farmer and an illustration of what energy and enterprise, combined with sound sense and business habits will do when applied to the lands of Rincon Valley.

Mr. Pine can well be styled a pioneer of San Bernardino County, and a brief review of his life is of interest. He dates his birth in St. Lawrence County, New York, July 30, 1825. His great-grandfather, Joseph Pine, was a native of Italy who immigrated to the Massachusetts colonies before the Revolutionary war. He was one of the thirteen patriots that fired the first volley at the historic battle of Lexington, and later was commissioned as an officer in the continental army, and served gallantly throughout the years of the Revolutionary war. Mr. Pine’s father, Joseph Pine, was a native of Boston, Massachusetts, but in early life located in New York, and for nearly forty years was connected with the educational interests of that State as a teacher and professor in various colleges.

He married Miss Delia Winna, a native of that State. In 1833 the parents of the subject of this sketch moved to Ohio and located in what is now Lake County, and there engaged in farming. Mr. Pine was reared to that calling. In 1847 he went to Quincy, Illinois, and engaged in the lumber business until 1850. In that year he fitted out a train and crossed the plains to the South pass of the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming Territory. There he established a trading station and also engaged in stock growing. Mr. Pine spent about eight years in the mountains as a trader, stock-raiser and miner. In 1858 he came to San Bernardino County, and located about fifteen miles east of the county seat, where he engaged in stock business. In 1861-’62 he built a lumber mill in Little Bear valley, twenty-five miles northeast of San Bernardino. This was the pioneer mill of that section. He was engaged in that enterprise until 1865 and then settled on Little Creek in the dairy business, after which he spent a year on the Jurupa Ranch in stock business, and thence to his present residence.

Mr. Pine’s long residence and varied interests, have gained him a large circle of friends and acquaintances in the county, by whom be is respected and esteemed. He is a member of San Bernardino Lodge, No. 146, I. O. O. F. In politics he is a consistent Republican. He has for years held the position of school trustee of his district. In Utah, in 1855, Mr. Pine married Miss Jane Morrison, a native of Buffalo, New York, the daughter of John and Ellen Morrison. From this union there are five children, viz.: Samuel, who married Miss Beatrice Gregory; Edward, who married Miss Ellen Walkinshaw; Edwin, Myron and Dudley. Samuel and Edwin are residents of San Diego County, and the other children are residing in San Bernardino County.



The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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