Biography of Isaac W. Hazelett, M. D.

Last Updated on September 11, 2011 by

Isaac W. Hazelett, M. D., one of the longest in practice in San Bernardino, and a leading member of the medical profession in this county, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, October 6, 1855; was reared from infancy till seventeen years of age at Zanesville, Ohio, and received his early education in the public schools of that city and in the Ohio Wesleyan University.

He prosecuted his medical studies in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, graduating therefrom in March 1879, having been resident house physician in the hospital for a year previous. After graduation he spent two years in the hospital, eight months of the time in the Philadelphia Marine Hospital. Locating in Wilmington, Delaware, Dr. Hazelett soon attained a very large practice, sufficient to have earned a competent fortune in a few years; but overwork and exposure in that trying climate induced hemorrhage of the lungs, and after six severe attacks, in which he came near losing his life, he abandoned his prosperous business and left the city to seek a more congenial climate. After spending a few months in Philadelphia, and suffering from further hemorrhages, he started for California. Arriving here he visited the principal points in the southern part of the State, practiced three months in Los Angeles, was compelled to leave on account of the moisture; finally he selected San Bernardino as the best location for him, and settled here in August, 1883. His health rapidly improving, he has been actively engaged in his profession ever since, and now he and his partner, Dr. J. N. Bayliss, do a practice among the largest in this county. His lung trouble has been fully arrested, and he enjoys good physical health.

Dr. Hazelett was instrumental in bringing Dr. Bayliss to this coast from the East, and their partnership dates from the latter’s arrival, over three years ago. Dr. Bayliss was educated for his profession in the University of Pennsylvania, and after spending a year in St. Mary’s Hospital, came directly to San Bernardino. They are both members of the Southern California and San Bernardino County Medical societies. Dr. Hazelett is also a member of the State Medical Society.

He married Miss Irwin, in Philadelphia, her native city. Of their three children, two sons and a daughter, the latter only survives, and is now nine years of age.



The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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