Biography of George O. Sampson

Last Updated on May 9, 2012 by

George O. Sampson, of Silver City, was born in Siskiyou, California, on the nth of December 1853, and is of English lineage, the original American ancestors of the family having settled in Maine on their emigration from the Old World. Jonathan Sampson, the father of our subject, was born in the Pine Tree state and engaged in the lumber business there. In 1850, however, he came to the Pacific coast and engaged in mining in California, also in lumbering in Siskiyou County. In 1855 he removed to Ashland, Oregon, and later took up his abode in Portland. He lived to a good old age and spent his last days at Garden City. His life was up-right and honorable, in harmony with his professions as a member of the Methodist church. His wife lived to be sixty-three years of age. They were the parents of six children, five of whom reached years of maturity, while four are still living.

George O. Sampson acquired the greater part of his education in Portland, Oregon, and on putting aside his text-books became a mechanical engineer. His residence in Idaho dates from 1864. He worked on newspapers for some years and in 1871 came to Silver City, where he was employed as an engineer for about fifteen years, running some of the largest hoists in the camp. In 1893 he purchased the Silver City and De Lamar stage line, and in January 1894, in partnership with J. C. Brown, bought out the De Lamar Livery Company. In 1895 they also purchased the Owyhee livery stable at Silver City, and in October 1896, they sold the other stable and the stage line to Messrs. Scott, McCain and Forney, retaining the Silver City business. In 1896 they purchased the big Palmer ranch in Pleasant valley, where they have eight hundred acres of land under fence, and cut about three hundred tons of hay annually, while extensive pastures supply the needs for their surplus live stock. This is one of the best conducted ranches in southern Idaho, and the proprietors also have the leading livery business in Silver City. Their barns are well supplied with good horses and vehicles of various kinds, and their honorable business methods and earnest desire to please their patrons have brought them a large and constantly increasing business.

In public affairs Mr. Sampson has borne an important part, and in 1888 was called to represent Owyhee County in the territorial legislature, where, giving careful consideration to every subject or question to be acted upon, he supported such measures as he believed for the public good and was a valued member of the house. He is now chairman of the “silver” Republican county central committee, and was a delegate to the “silver” Republican state convention held in Boise in 1898. He is also a member of the state central committee, and his opinions carry considerable weight in the councils of his party. Socially he is connected with the Knights of Pythias, and has been master of the exchequer in the home lodge. He is also a member of the Masonic lodge and has served therein as master. He is a broad-minded man, who, in his support of measures affecting the general welfare, looks beyond the exigencies of the moment to the future needs, and his devotion to the public good, his irreproachable business record and his social qualities have won him the high esteem of all whom he has met.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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