Biographical Sketch of George M. Stanclift

Surely the subject of this review has passed the various stages of all kinds of pioneer work, with its hardships, deprivations and dangers, while he has met each point with a calm determination to overcome and make his way through it all, which he has done in a most commendable manner, being now one of the stanch and upright men of Harney and one of its well-to-do citizens, having his home on one of the finest pieces of soil in central Oregon, the same being one hundred and fifty-three acre, one mile north from Burns, which forms the family home and is a good dividend producer.

Mr. Stanclift was born in Erie county, New York, on April 25, 1837, being the son of Reuben and Elvira (Adams) Stanclift. At the age of fifteen he went with the family to Cass county, Michigan, and thence to Berrien county, where his mother died. In February, 1855, he came via New York and Panama to San Francisco, crossing the Isthmus with the first through passenger train. On the sea they encountered great storms that made the passage unpleasant. Upon landing in California he went to the Poor creek country, and thence to Plumas county and mined. Yuba county he later took up mining and dairying together and in the spring of 1860 he went to the vicinity of Virginia City. But the second winter there his partner was killed by the Indians, and all the stock driven off by them, entailing a loss upon Mr. Stanclift of seven thousand dollars. He went to work for wages again and on January 8, 1867, he married Miss Mary C., daughter of Gabriel and Kitty A. Stephens, who were natives of Kentucky, their daughter also being born there; and they had removed to Missouri, where they died. Mrs. Stanclift came across the plains with an elder brother in 1853, the trip being exceptionally tedious. After his marriage Mr. Stanclift came by wagon to Douglas county, Oregon, and took up stock raising, the year being 1871. In 1876 he came to Harney valley with a band of cattle and in 1878 he removed his family over here, it being the year of the Bannock war. He was exposed to much danger and hardship, there being but eight families in the valley. He settled on his present place, and soon he sold his cattle and bought sheep and later sold them and confined himself to farming alone. To Mr. and Mrs. Stanclift have been born three children; Mrs. Etta Horton; Mrs. Laura P. Biggs, of Prineville; Lewis L., of Montana. It is of note that the grandfather of our subject, John Stanclift, fought in the Revolution, and was with Washington’s army at Valley Forge.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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