Biography of Edward S. Jewell

Last Updated on April 27, 2012 by

Edward S. Jewell dates his residence in the Salubria valley from 1869, and is therefore numbered among its pioneer farmers and stock-raisers. A native of Wisconsin, he was born in Dodgeville, Iowa County, that state, on the 9th of October 1846, and is of English extraction. His father, Edward S. Jewell, Sr., was born in Cornwall, England, and after his marriage came with his wife and five children to the United States, locating in Wisconsin, where he remained until 1852, when he went to California to secure gold in the Eldorado of the west. It is believed that he was killed by the Indians, for no news was ever afterward received of him. His wife survived him two years and died in 1854, leaving a family of six children, three of whom are now living in Idaho. She was a devout member of the Methodist Church.

In the public schools of his native state Edward S. Jewell, the subject of this sketch, acquired his education. He was only sixteen years of age when he drove a team across the hot and arid plains to California, in company with his uncle, LT. E. Rowe, and S. B. Dilley. They continued their travel to Auburn, Oregon, where Mr. Jewell learned the blacksmith’s trade. The following year he went to Idaho City, there continuing to work at his trade, at which there was more money to be made than at mining. The price for shoeing a horse was ten dollars, for setting a tire on a wagon from twenty-four to thirty dollars, while a miner’s pick sold for sixteen dollars and everything else was proportionately high. In 1869 Mr. Jewell came to the Salubria valley, entered one hundred and sixty acres of land, built upon it and otherwise improved it. and from time to time extended its boundaries by additional purchase, until he now has seven hundred and seventy-five acres of highly cultivated land, the well tilled fields yielding to him a golden tribute in return for the care and labor he bestows upon them. His home is pleasantly located just a half mile west of Salubria, so that the conveniences and advantages of town as well as country life are easily accessible. Upon his farm are located the Washington county fair grounds. Throughout his residence here he has engaged in stock-raising, and he is now breeding Hereford cattle and Hambletonian horses, having some of the best stock in the county. He is also engaged in raising Berkshire hogs, and has met with very desirable success in his stock-raising ventures. He was the first to introduce Norman and Hambletonian horses in Salubria valley, and in this way has aided in improving the grade raised in this locality. Nor are his efforts confined alone to the labors connected with his farm. He is a stock-holder in the Creamery Company and the Telephone Company, and is not slow to cooperate in any movement which he believes will advance the material welfare of this section of the state.

In 1868 Mr. Jewell was united in marriage to Miss Hilary A. Markham, who, in 1864, came to Idaho with her father, David Markham, now a resident of Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell have had ten children, namely: William E. who is engaged in merchandising in Arizona: Mary Grace, wife of W. H. Eckles, a farmer of Salubria valley: Edgar D., who assists in the operation of the home farm; Maud May, who is engaged in teaching music and makes her home with her parents: James Edward, who entered his country’s service when war was declared against Spain and is now in Manila; Edna Salome and Esther T., who are successful school-teachers; and Sarah E., Fred Markham and Earl C, yet under the parental roof.

In his political views Mr. Jewell has always been a Democrat and was twice elected county commissioner of Washington County. He also served as a member of the territorial senate and of the convention which framed the present state constitution, and was a member of the first state senate. He has studied closely the questions affecting the welfare of the commonwealth, and has given his support to all measures which he believes to be for the public good. His course has ever been most commendable, and he is regarded as one of the most prominent and influential citizens of this portion of Idaho. Socially he is connected with the Masonic fraternity, having been made a Master Mason in Idaho City, in 1868. He is a charter member of Salubria Lodge, No. 31, and has filled all the offices therein. All who know him, and his acquaintance is extensive, esteem him for the possession of most sterling traits of character.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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