Biography of David O. Wilder

David O. Wilder, proprietor of the Pioneer Meat Market, the largest and best appointed market in the city of Riverside. The liberal patronage and support his enterprise receives from the community, is well merited, for he is a thorough master of his business, and prompt in meeting the demands of his customers. Mr. Wilder is one of the earlier settlers of Riverside, who came to California in 1874, and after a year spent in Bakersfield established himself in Riverside.

Upon his arrival he purchased land and engaged in horticultural pursuits, and also established a bee ranch at Temescal, which he conducted for a year or two. He was also for some years in the employ of the Riverside Land and Irrigation Company, in constructing ditches and opening avenues upon their land. In 1879 he engaged in work for Thomas Stone, in the Pioneer Meat Market. He was employed by Mr. Stone until 1883: during that time he mastered the details of the business, and in the latter year became, by purchase, the proprietor of the market, which he has since conducted. Mr. Wilder in his horticultural pursuits improved a ten-acre lot about three miles south of Riverside, by planting it with raisin grapevines, which he sold in 1888 to C. T. Rouse. He was also interested in city property, and was formerly the owner of the lot upon which the Castleman block now stands, and has now a desirable residence property on Seventh, between Orange and Lemon streets.

Mr. Wilder was born in Winnebago County, Illinois, in 1852. His father, Chauncey Wilder, was a native of Vermont, and an early settler in Illinois, where he engaged in farming; his mother, Mary E. (Hurlbert) Wilder, was born in New York. Mr. Wilder was reared on his father’s farm until fourteen years of age. The death of both his parents in 1866 left him an orphan, and dependent upon his own exertions for support, which he obtained by farm labor. He remained in his native county until 1874, and then struck out for the Golden State, and located in Bakersfield, and a year later came to Riverside. During his years of residence in the colony, he has thoroughly identified himself with the interests of Riverside and her people. He has grown with the city and colony, increased in worldly goods, and has proven a desirable acquisition to the community. He is a member of Sunnyside Lodge, No. 112, Knights of Pythias, and the Uniform Bank of the same, also a member of Riverside Lodge, No. 282, I. O. 0. F.

Mr. Wilder was united in marriage with Miss Belle Robb, a native of California. Her father, Harvey Robb, came to the State in 1852. From this marriage there are two children, Chauncey H. and Lois Isabelle.



The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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