Biography of Carlos C. Sherman, M. D.

Carlos C. Sherman, M. D., is one of Riverside’s prominent and successful physicians. Although not a pioneer, he has been a resident of the city during the years of her greatest growth and prosperity, and the position he has occupied in her professional and social circles well entitles him to mention in the annals of the city.

Dr. Sherman is a native of New York, and was born in Washington County, in 1847. In 1852 his parents moved to Michigan and settled in Eaton County. His father was a farmer by occupation and in this world’s goods was a poor man. Dr. Sherman was reared on the farm of his father, and from his early boyhood schooled to hard labor. His education was such as could be obtained in attendance at the district schools in the winter months; he was quick to learn and ambitious and advanced rapidly in his studies.

Upon the breaking out of the civil war his patriotism was aroused and he endeavored to enter the military service. Upon his repeated trials at enlistment he was rejected on account of his age, but finally, in 1863, when but a boy of sixteen years, he succeeded in his ardent desires and was mustered in as a private of Company C, Sixth Regiment of Michigan Heavy Artillery. His regiment was assigned to duty in the Department of the Gulf. The Doctor was faithful in his service, which was continued until he was prostrated by disease, and rendered unfit for further military duty. In 1864 he was honorably discharged and re-turned to his home. As soon as he had recovered his health, he abandoned the farm and commenced work as a carpenter; he made rapid progress in that trade and spent the next ten years as a carpenter and builder. During that time he was securing an education, devoting all his spare time to study. His natural inclination led him into medical studies, and in 1874 he commenced a course of study in the Hahnemann Medical College at Chicago. After some years of study he entered upon the practice of medicine in Ingham County, Michigan. He was successful in his practice, but not satisfied he again entered the Hahnemann College and graduated from that institution in 1884, after which he returned to his practice and continued it until 1886. In that year he decided to seek a home in California, and in August located in Riverside. Upon his arrival he associated himself with Dr. Way, and entered a successful professional life. At a later date he moved his office to the Oppenheimer block.

In 1887 he purchased a ten-acre tract at Rialto and has devoted some attention to horticulture. Among his improvements in that land are five acres of oranges and five acres of raisin grapes. He is also the owner of business and residence lots in Riverside. The Doctor’s success in life is creditable and commends him to the respect and esteem of his associates. He is self-made and self-educated; a man of untiring energy, devoting many years of his manhood to study, that he might attain a position in the professional world that the result has shown he is so well fitted to adorn. Besides his unquestioned professional skill he is a gentleman of kind and genial disposition and courteous manner, that gain him sincere friends in whatever community his lot is cast. It is safe to say that Dr. Sher-man will always be found identified with the best interests, professional, social and political, of Riverside. He is a member of the Methodist Church of Riverside.

In politics he is a consistent Republican, of the fraternal societies and is a prominent member in the Odd Fellows lodge. He is a member of Riverside Lodge, No. 282, Star Encampment, No. 73, and Canton Sherman, No. 25, of Riverside. He is a charter member and was prominent in establishing the canton which bears his name. He is also a member of Riverside Post, No. 118, Grand Army of the Republic. Dr. Sherman married in 1884, wedding Miss Ida Moulton, a native of Michigan. No children have blessed this union.


Biography, Civil War,

The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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