Biography of William H. Stufflebeam

There is not a more popular man in Idaho either as Elk or “landlord” than William Herman Stufflebeam, proprietor of the Blackfoot Hotel, at Blackfoot; there is not a man better liked on purely personal grounds; and there is not a man to whom the citizens of Idaho would more confidently entrust the unraveling of a difficult problem or the settlement of important monetary interests than to Mr. Stufflebeam, who is a business man of careful and comprehensive training. William Herman Stufflebeam was born at Whitehall, Washington county, New York. His paternal great-grandfather and his grandfather fought together in the … Read more

Threads of ancestors, Telford – Ritchie – Mize

Threads of ancestors, Telford - Ritchie - Mize: a link among the days which binds the generations each with each

“Threads of Ancestors: Telford – Ritchie – Mize: A Link Among the Days Which Binds the Generations Each with Each,” authored by Leila Ritchie Mize and Jessie Julia Mize, explores the intricate tapestry of family lineage and migration across continents and centuries. Tracing roots back to Alexander Telford Sr., who settled near Rockbridge, Virginia around 1760, this book delves into the journeys and settlements of his descendants across the United States. Highlighting the Scotch-Irish origins of these families, the authors meticulously draw upon an extensive array of sources, including family Bibles, historical records, and personal diaries, to provide a detailed account of the Telford, Ritchie, and Mize families. Their narrative not only charts the genealogical paths of these families but also illuminates their substantial roles in the historical and cultural development of the regions they inhabited. This work stands as a testament to the enduring bonds and shared heritage that link successive generations, forming a foundational piece for both family members and historians interested in the Scotch-Irish contribution to American history.

Biography of Willard Volney Church

Willard Volney Church is one of the older settlers in Marion County. This county had been his home for upwards of forty years, and during that time he had played a varied part as a lawyer, public official and business man. Mr. Church was born at Fort Ann, New York, February 16, 1853, a son of Volney and Harriet (Bush) Church. Mr. Church had the rather rare distinction at this time of being the grandson of a Revolutionary soldier. His grandfather, Willard Church was born at Mansfield, Connecticut, in 1758 and was a very young man when he took up … Read more

Biography of Capt. Benjamin Brown

Capt. Benjamin Brown, father of General John, and of Judge A. G. Brown, and one of the most prominent among the early settlers of Ames, was born October 17, 1745, at Leicester, Massachusetts. His grandfather, William Brown, came from England to America while a youth, was the first settler in the town of Hatfield, on the Connecticut river, and was often engaged in the Indian wars of that period. Capt. John Brown, father of Benjamin, served with credit in the colonial army during the French war, and represented the town of Leicester in the Massachusetts legislature during, and for many … Read more

Biography of Carlos C. Sherman, M. D.

Carlos C. Sherman, M. D., is one of Riverside’s prominent and successful physicians. Although not a pioneer, he has been a resident of the city during the years of her greatest growth and prosperity, and the position he has occupied in her professional and social circles well entitles him to mention in the annals of the city. Dr. Sherman is a native of New York, and was born in Washington County, in 1847. In 1852 his parents moved to Michigan and settled in Eaton County. His father was a farmer by occupation and in this world’s goods was a poor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Anderson Groot

Groot, George Anderson; attorney-at-law; born in Washington County, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1843; son of John Aaron and Eliza Jane (Heath) Groot; educated in district and common schools, attended Oberlin one term in 1860; attended school in Camden and Amherst in Lorain County, in 1864; received captain’s commission from the College again in 1865-1867; then at Hillsdale, Mich., graduating in June, 1870, degree of M. S.; married, Huron, O., Dec. 12, 1872, Maora Agnes Sage; enlisted in the Union Army in the War of the Rebellion, in Co. H, 8th O. V. L, April 20, 1861, discharged August, 1861; re-enlisted … Read more

Biography of Robert A. Maxwell

ROBERT A. MAXWELL THE HON. Robert A. Maxwell, superintendent of the insurance department, was born in Washington county, N. Y. , in 1838. He is a son of Alexander Maxwell, of Jackson, a prominent citizen of the town, and an intelligent and wealthy farmer. Robert was given the advantages of a liberal education by his father. After receiving a thorough instruction at the common schools in his neighborhood, he was sent to the normal school at Albany, where he finished his education at the age of eighteen. His rare qualities as an educator were unfolded while attending this excellent institution, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Kellom

John H. Kellom of Tustin, was born in Washington County, New York, in 1818, a son of Isaac and Eliza (Healy) Kellom. He graduated at Williams College in 1842 taught school four years in Georgia, studied law two years at Auburn, New York, taught school again until 1856, and then went to Omaha, Nebraska, and engaged in banking. Two years afterward he was elected State Superintendent of schools for a term of two years; he also served as United States Assessor; was clerk of all the courts of Nebraska for four years; was Postmaster at Omaha one year under President … Read more

Gilbert M. Todd of Ossining NY

Gilbert M. Todd8, (Stephen7, Ira6, Oliver5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in Salem, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1833, died Oct. 7, 1908, married Jan. 24, 1856, Eleanor F. Hull. For fifteen years he served as supervisor of the town of Ossining, New York. He also held several other positions of trust in the town. Children: 2227. Alice Baker, b. Oct. 15, 1856, twin with the next. 2228. Charlotte Louise, b. Oct. 15, 1856; both of these twins live with their mother in Ossining, N. Y. 2229. Theodore Clarence, b. Feb. 4, 1858, d. June 4, 1858. 2230. Eleanor Hull, b. … Read more

Biography of Hon. Henry W. Corbett

HON. HENRY W. CORBETT. – The reminiscences of the early pioneers of the Pacific Northwest must ever posses a peculiar interest for all who can look back to the days when the wigwam of the Indian was seen on every hand, and when the old log cabins of the founders of this great section of the union were few and far between. Pioneers of civilization constitute no ordinary class of adventurers. Resolute, ambitious and enduring, looking into a great and possible future of the undeveloped country, and possessing the sagacious mind to grasp true conclusions, and the indomitable will to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles R. Briggs

Charles R. Briggs, portrait-painter, Charleston; was born in Washington Co. N. Y., Jan. 5, 1816; his father was a farmer and carriage-manufacturer in Easton; at the age of 17 years, he left home, and going to Troy, apprenticed himself to the trade of a coach-painter; he remained there four years and helped to paint the first passenger-coaches on the Albany & Schenectady Railroad; thence he went to Buffalo, N. Y., and entered the employ of Benjamin Rathbone, the great contractor of that city; about a year later, he went to New York City, and thence, shortly afterward, came West; this … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John B. Jones

John B. Jones, farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Rardin; born in Franklin Co., N. Y., Sept. 1, 1829; he removed with his parents when quite young to Whitehall, Washington Co., where he attended school and engaged in farming until 15 years of age, when he learned and worked at the ship-carpenter’s trade for three years; then for two years followed sailing on the lakes, and his trade; after which time he located at Astoria, L. I., where he engaged at his trade until 1857, when he emigrated to Illinois, and located in Ashmore Tp., Coles Co., March 1, of the … Read more

Biography of Henry W. Corbett

The writer who seeks to portray the life and advancement of a people-no matter how far he may be under the control of theories pointing otherwise-must at last come to the individual and seek his best material in the lives and records of those by whom the works he would describe have been performed. Thus biography becomes not merely a side light to history, but the very essence and vitality of history itself. In the story of the man of affairs you tell that of his times as well. Viewed thus, it does not need be said that the true … Read more

Biography of Reese James Richards

Mr. Richards’ long experience in the jewelry business has culminated in one of the most popular and well-equipped jewelry establishments at Northampton, and in this part of the State; and to bring about its gradual and substantial development he has added the results of investigation and training that have been lifelong. His interest in the broadening of civic affairs has always been a most active feature of his Northampton citizenship; and he has held office that has been productive of progressive results to the community. Mr. Richards is the son of William T. Richards, who who was born in England … Read more

Biography of Hon T. A. Sherwood

Thomas Adiel Sherwood was born at Eatonton, in Putnam county, Georgia, June 2, 1834, where he spent his early life. His father, Rev. Adiel Sherwood, D.D., was a Baptist clergyman of great learning and prominence, who was born and reared at Fort Edward, in the State of New York. The family were of English extraction. Dr. Thomas Sherwood, and Andrew, his brother, immigrated to this country during its colonial period, from Nottinghamshire, England, and settled in Connecticut. Dr. Thomas Sherwood was the grandfather of Major Adiel Sherwood, who served in the war of the Revolution under Gen. George Washington, and … Read more

Martha Collins Todd Hill

HILL, Martha Collins Todd7, (John6, Timothy5, Timothy4, Jonathan3, John2, Christopher1) born April 1, 1831, marricd March 11, 1857, Rev. Charles Jenkins Hill, who graduated from Williams College, and Andover Theological Seminary. He was a congregational clergyman and held pastorates at Nashua, N. H., Whiteall and Gloversville, N. Y., Ansonia, Middletown and Stonington, Conn. Children: I. Annie Williams, b. March 23, 1858, m. (???) Harper. II. John Todd, b. April 16, 1863, m. Grace(???). III. Miriam, b. Oct. 23, 1867.

Biography of William J. Johnston

William J. Johnston, cashier of the First National Bank of Eureka, is the only democrat who was ever elected to the office of sheriff in Greenwood County. That political distinction may have been inherited. At any rate, he is not the only member of his family whose qualifications and personal popularily have proved so strong as to overturn normal majorities. His father back in New York State in Washington County enjoyed a similar honor many years ago, and in all the years of the political annals of Washington County it had had only one democratic sheriff. Mr. Johnston, who had … Read more