Biographical Sketch of Tim Carroll

Tim Carroll proprietor of the Anaheim 4, Evergreen Nursery, was born in County Cork, Ireland, March 25, 1840, the second in a family of nine children, of Patrick and Mary (Scandlan) Carroll, who moved to Australia in 1855. He came to Santa Cruz, California, in 1866, and worked at shipping lumber two years. In 1868 he came to Anaheim and bought fifty acres of land, his purchase being the first outside of the town limits. He then started the nursery business on a small scale, and today he has the largest nursery in Southern California if not in the State.

A few figures will be here submitted to show what a man of pluck and energy can do: in the nursery stock at this time there are 1,500,000 orange trees; 1,000,000 lemon trees, 4,000,000 gum trees, 1,000,000 deciduous fruit trees, besides palms, pines, cypress and other kinds of fruit and ornamental trees. The nursery is located near the Southern Pacific depot at Anaheim. In addition to this, Mr. Carroll has a young nursery at Los Alamitos, and sixty acres in the Centralia tract, besides other property. He has been eminently successful in the work he has undertaken, and eminently deserves the success, on account of his industry, enterprise and shrewd judgment.

He was married May 27, 1878, to Lizzie Doherty, from the north of Ireland. Her parents were George and Maly (Clemons) Doherty. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll are Joseph M., George P., Mary and Timothy J.



The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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