Biographical Sketch of Richard Corbaley

RICHARD CORBALEY. – In a city so flourishing as Spokane Falls, Washington, the business of finding and placing loans and the transfer of real property in the town, in the adjoining farming regions, and in the mines, has attained proportions of considerable magnitude. The firm of R. Corbaley & Co., located at the northeast corner of Howard and Riverside avenues, is one of the most important of the houses thus engaged. Their interests are largely in agricultural lands in the Big Bend country near Badger Mountain, where choice locations and exceptionally productive soils, even for this favored territory, may be found. The rapid development and the consequent advance in values of farms in this section are fully assured. Parties seeking cit or country locations, farm or wheat lands for proprietary rentals or stock ranges, find much assistance in the blocks and plots and descriptions of Corbaley & Co.

The senior member of the firm, Richard Corbaley, was born in Marion county, Indiana, in 1820, the first white child born within its borders. Receiving here his training and education, he removed in 1848 to Plymouth, Marshall county, of the same state, and was there appointed sheriff of the circuit court and court of common pleas. In 1871 he came to California, but, on account of asthmatic affection, left that state in 1886. In the pure air of this state, to which he came, he has fully recovered and is located permanently. His son, Frank Corbaley, is the partner.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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