Biography of Dr. John M. Casey

DR. JOHN M. CASEY. This gentleman is one of the best known physicians of Baxter County, Arkansas, for he has been unusually successful in the practice of his profession, and that he deserves the good fortune that has attended his efforts is indisputable. He is not only honest and reliable, but he has ever been sympathetic, yet cheerful, in the sick room, and possesses the happy faculty of winning the confidence and liking of his patients, which has much to do with their restoration to health. The Doctor first saw the light of day in Hardeman County, West Tennessee, September 22, 1839.

He was reared by his grandmother, the wife of Hiram Casey, the pioneer Baptist minister of West Tennessee, who was probably as well known as any divine in the State at that time. His school days were spent in his native State, but on the 11th of December, 1855, he made a settlement in the vicinity of Mt. Home, Arkansas, and the first season that he arrived here he made a crop. Later he taught a three months subscription school at Pearson’s Landing on White River, where he had for his pupils many of the best citizens of this county. In 1857 he began teaching in the Tolburt School House at Tolburt Springs, and later in the same year entered Head’s Collegiate Institute at Batesville, where he pursued the paths of learning for some time. In 1858 he again began teaching, and conducted a subscription school at Job Teverbaugh’s place, and in January, 1859, taught a school on Little North Fork in Ozark County. In July, 1859, he went to Welaka, Fla., and entered the Hotel Drug Store of Dr. Hamilton Black, on the St. John’s River, and at the same time pursued the study of medicine. In 1860 he returned to Rapps Barrens and here taught school again until the latter part of 1860, when he began attending lectures in Pope’s Medical College of St. Louis. He returned home in 1861,and practiced his profession up to the opening of the Civil War, and in July joined the Fourteenth Arkansas Infantry, Confederate States Army, being in Capt. Adams’ company. He was soon promoted to assistant surgeon of the regiment, and at the battle of Elk Horn had charge of the hospital there. He later rejoined the army at Corinth, where he remained until the summer of 1862, when he returned home and here remained until September 4.

He was married to Miss Mary C. Wolf, the youngest daughter of Maj. Jacob Wolf, and from 1863 to 1870 he was successfully engaged in the practice of his profession, and opened the first drug store of Mt. Home, a well-appointed establishment, of which Don J. is proprietor. He was postmaster of the place from 1870 to 1877, and was instrumental in having an office established at this point. He now again holds the responsible position of postmaster. When a boy, in 1858, he carried the mail from Big North Fork to Rockbridge, in Missouri. The Doctor is temperate in all things, is a Prohibitionist in sentiment, and socially has been a member of Huntsville (Arkansas) Lodge of the A. F. & A. M.; is a member of the Chapter and has represented both in the Grand Lodge of the State. He has always been a Democrat politically, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, and he has for many years held various offices in the church. Of seven children born to himself and wife, six are living: Albert M., who is assistant postmaster of Mt. Home; Don J., proprietor of the drug store; John R.; Emmet Y.; Irene, Beulah, and Ada, who died when about five years old. Dr. Casey and his family are highly respected throughout the county and are useful, progressive and public-spirited citizens.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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