Biography of Jacob H. Wolf

JACOB H. WOLF. There is not a more popular citizen and official in Baxter County, Arkansas, than Jacob H . Wolf, who has several times served in the capacity of sheriff of the county, and whose conduct of the affairs of that office has been such as to commend him to the good opinion of the general public, irrespective of party affiliation. He was born in what is now Baxter but was then Izard) County, Arkansas, March 31, 1845, a son of William M. and Phcebe E. (Kellow) Wolf, the former of whom was born in Kentucky, but was only … Read more

Biography of Jason F. Norman

JASON F. NORMAN. Special adaptability to any particular calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to success of a permanent kind. No matter what the vim and determination characterizing a man’s start in business, unless he is to the manner born, he will find to his sorrow that his line has been falsely cast, and the quicker he draws aside and takes up another, the better it will be for him. It has often been the case that a man will make a success of several different occupations, and this has been the experience of Jason F. Norman, who … Read more

Arkansas Funeral Home Records

Funeral Log Books

This page links to known Arkansas Funeral Records whether they be available online or offline. Funeral records are an invaluable source of genealogical information that can provide insight into the lives and deaths of our ancestors. They offer a wealth of details on the deceased and their family, including their names, ages, dates of death, causes of death, and other key information.

Biography of Jeremiah B. Simpson, M. D.

JEREMIAH B. SIMPSON, M. D. There is no man more highly esteemed in a community than the medical practitioner, and there is not among all the physicians of Baxter County, Arkansas, one who is held higher in public favor than Dr. Jeremiah B. Simpson. This gentleman was born in Wayne County, Illinois, in 1851 , to John W. and Sallie (Murphy) Simpson, the former of whom was also born there. The paternal grandfather, William Simpson, was a Tennessean, and a pioneer of Wayne County, Illinois, where he lived and died. John W. Simpson was a worthy tiller of the soil, … Read more

Biography of Col. Randolph D.Casey

COL. RANDOLPH D. CASEY. To this gentleman belongs the distinction of having built the first house in Mountain Home. He entered the land where the town is now situated, and has President Buchanan’s signature to his land patent. Col. Casey was born in Smith County, Tennessee, on March 10, 1810, and is the son of Hiram Casey, who died in Hardeman County, Tennessee, in 1828, at the age of thirty-nine years. He was a Missionary Baptist minister and a man of worthy principles. The mother, Catharine De Priest, was born in Georgia. She came to Arkansas with the subject of … Read more

Biography of William F. Eatman

WILLIAM F. EATMAN. The county of Baxter, Arkansas, is very fortunate in her officials and is especially so as regards William F. Eatman, who is the efficient sheriff of Baxter County. He was born in Alabama, September 28, 1868, a son of Hon. Clem A. and Jane L. (Jordan) Eatman, both of whom were born in Greene County, Ala., the birth of the former occurring October 28, 1835, and their marriage in 1867. The paternal grandparents were Reddin and Sarah (Schamblee) Eatman, who were born, reared and married in the Old North State, and soon after the latter event (1835) … Read more

Biography of James Littlefield

JAMES LITTLEFIELD. The subject of this sketch was for a number of years one among the many successful farmers of Baxter County, Arkansas, and is as conspicuous for his outspoken views in sanctioning that which is just and right as in his denunciation of that which he considers unjust and wrong. He is an intelligent citizen, and he wields considerable influence in the affairs of his section. He was born in Spartanburg District, South Carolina, April 4, 1829, a son of Joseph Littlefield, who was also a native of the Palmetto State. He moved to Caldwell County, Kentucky, when his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Americus Eddings

Americus, son of Jasper and Gertrude (Ross) Eddings was born in 1869 in Arkansas. Educated at Mountain Home, Arkansas. Married in Baxter County, Arkansas. Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meumer. They are the parents of Charles, Lawrence, Andrew, served twelve months in the World War and Jasper Eddings. Mr. and Mrs. Eddings follow the general Cherokee vocation of farming.

Biography of Prof. Thomas A. Kay

PROF. THOMAS A. KAY. This gentleman is one of the oldest and most successful educators of Douglas County, and is well known over a large territory. He is a Georgian by birth, his natal county being De Kalb, where he first saw the light December 12, 1853. The son of William T. and Lucretia (Cardar) Kay, the former of whom was a native of South Carolina and a son of Alexander Kay, who was a Virginian by birth and a farmer by occupation. William T. Kay was married in South Carolina and in 1850 took up his residence in Georgia, … Read more

Biography of James P. M. Norman

JAMES P. M. NORMAN. One of the most popular and widely known of Douglas County’s county officers is James P. M. Norman,who has been identified with the growth and the interests of the county for many years. Mr. Norman was born in Carroll County, Ga., April 27, 1847, and is a son of Abner S. and Charlotte (Orr) Norman, natives respectively of Alabama and South Carolina. George Norman, grandfather of our subject, came from Scotland to this country, and brought with him the sturdy habits so characteristic of those of that nationality. Settling in Alabama, he there reared his family, … Read more

Biography of James P. Herron

JAMES P. HERRON. A noble class of men have built up the agricultural interests of Mountain Home Township, Baxter County, Arkansas, and have made it a garden spot in the great commonwealth of the State. Among those who have been active and efficient in the work is he whose name stands at the head of this sketch. He has been identified with the farming interests of the county almost from his birth, and in every walk of life has conducted himself in an honorable, upright manner. He was born in what is now Baxter (then Fulton) County, November 20, 1855, … Read more

Biography of Dr. John M. Casey

DR. JOHN M. CASEY. This gentleman is one of the best known physicians of Baxter County, Arkansas, for he has been unusually successful in the practice of his profession, and that he deserves the good fortune that has attended his efforts is indisputable. He is not only honest and reliable, but he has ever been sympathetic, yet cheerful, in the sick room, and possesses the happy faculty of winning the confidence and liking of his patients, which has much to do with their restoration to health. The Doctor first saw the light of day in Hardeman County, West Tennessee, September … Read more

Biography of Hon. Melvin Nathaniel Dyer

HON. MELVIN NATHANIEL DYER. Prominent in the ranks of the fore-most of the brilliant circle of lawyers of Baxter County, Arkansas, stands the name of Melvin Nathaniel Dyer, who has a most thorough and practical knowledge of the complications of law. He was born near Lawrenceville, Gwinnett County Ga., in 1833, and reared in Walker County, Ga., a son of Edwin Dyer, who was a native of Virginia, and was reared on Blue Grass soil. His father, Wiley Dyer, made fifty-three moves during his lifetime and died in Texas. He was a farmer by occupation, was quite a Nimrod in … Read more

Biography of James Augustus Carter

JAMES AUGUSTUS CARTER. This gentleman is the able and efficient editor of the Baxter County Citizen, a paper published in the interests of the section and of the Democrat party. It is a breezy, spicy sheet and from its columns something useful and interesting may always be gleaned, especially in the editorial department, for Mr. Carter is a forceful and elegant writer and does not hesitate to give his unbiased opinion of all matters of public interest. He is a native of Pontotoc County, Miss., where he was born October 30, 1858, a son of Benjamin F. and Mary C. … Read more

Biography of Jefferson D. Cox

Jefferson D. Cox is actively connected with a profession that has important bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity of every community, and one in which advancement depends upon individual merit and ability. Ability becomes in a measure prominence, and that Mr. Cox occupies a leading position in the ranks of the legal profession is an indication of his learning and skill in his chosen field. He is also a successful stock man and he owns a large ranch where fancy Duroc hogs and Durham cattle are raised. Jefferson D. Cox was born in Walhalla, South Carolina, on the 1st … Read more