Weaver Mining District

Last Updated on August 16, 2012 by

Weaver Mining District

Name and Boundary of District

“1st This District shall be known as Weaver District and bounded as follows – to wit, commencing at the mouth or sink of the Hassayamp Creek following up the eastern bank of said creek to the Tanks on the Southern boundary line of Walkers, thence West to the head of the Canyon of the St. Maria, thence southerly to Indian Springs continuing in said direction crossing Date Creek near the Indian cemetery ten miles from said crossing, thence east to the place of beginning.

Size of Claims.

“2nd – The size of Claims in this District shall be one hundred & fifty feet on creeks or Gulches and seventy five feet on each side.

Number of Claims, &C.

“3d No person shall hold but one claim in this District except the original discoverers (Ten in number) and the discoverer of new creek or Gulch diggings who are & shall be entitled to one additional claim, all claims worked & recorded within five days from the time of location shall hold good for sixty days. After the expiration of said sixty days all claims shall be worked on one day in ten.


“4th’. All disputes in reference to mining claims in this District to be settled by arbitration.


“5th No citizens of Mexico shall hold or work claims in this District except the boy Lorenzo Para who is one of the original discoverers, and should the miners employ any of the said citizens of Mexico, they will be held responsible for their good behavior, and should the said employer fail to comply with this article he or they shall forfeit all interest in the mines & leave the District.

Purchasing Claims.

“6th No person or persons shall purchase or sell any claims in this District for sixty days from the adoption of these laws, nor shall any person take up and hold claims for nonresidents of the District.


“7th There shall be one Recorder elected whose duty shall be to record mining claims & bills of sale & preserve the laws of the district in a book or books to be kept for that purpose, said Records to be open for examination (free). His term of office shall be three months & until his successor is elected. He shall post or cause to be posted notices in three public places of the District notifying the miners of the expiration of his term, stating the time & place of election, and deliver to his successor all Books Papers and Maps belonging to his office. His fees for Recording shall be one dollar for each claim, and one dollar for each Bill of Sale. No Bills of Sale of claims will be valid unless recorded within forty-eight hours after date.

Called Meetings.

“8th Any five miners can call a meeting of the miners of the District by Posting notices in three public places of the District stating the object of the meeting, giving five days notice and signing their names to said notices. June 25th, 1863”

Arthur M. Henry, Recorder


Farish, Thomas Edwin. History Of Arizona, Volume 2. Printed and Published by Direction of the Second Legislature of the State of Arizona, A. D. 1915.

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