Walker Mining District

Last Updated on August 16, 2012 by

“At a meeting of the Miners of Lynx Creek & Vicinity held pursuant to notice on the 24th day of November 1863 at the office of the Recorder, the President T. J. Johnson tendered his resignation which was accepted and Capt. Bogert was elected chairman.

“The Recorder J. V. Wheelhouse tendered his resignation, and an election for the office of Recorder was called after a ballot Mr. V. C. Smith was declared elected.

“Upon Motion a committee of five was appointed by the chair to draft Laws to govern the Quartz mines of the District consisting of Y. C. Smith, Mr. Shoup Cal Dobbins Major McKinney & Mr. Sandford.

“Upon motion a committee of three was appointed to draft new Laws to govern the Placer mines of the district consisting of Cal Dobbins A. Thorn Mr. McCrackin as appointed by the chair

“The committee appointed to draft Laws for the government of the Quartz Mines of the District submitted the following report.

“To the officers and members of the miners meeting held Nov. 24th, 1863, at the office of Recorder Lynx Creek.

“Gentlemen Your committee appointed to establish boundaries & draft Bye Laws for the government of a Quartz Miners District would most respectfully submit the following Preamble Resolutions and Bye Laws for your consideration


“Whereas owing to the increasing interest manifested by the Residents & Miners of this locality in Quartz & other Lodes containing metal of value – and to the many and various conflicting and untruthful reports that have originated and spread throughout the land concerning, and to the detriment of the Residents and Miners of this locality be it

“Resolved, That we the residents & miners of Lynx Creek & vicinity will under any and all circumstances defend, protect, aid & assist any and all traders & persons whether citizens or not in the prosecution of right & legitimate business while within the jurisdiction of our laws.

“Resolved, That we denounce the originators of the many falsehoods, circulated by the faint hearted many who have returned to their shin warming firesides as a set unworthy the name of Pioneers & be it further resolved, That the boundaries of this Quartz Mining & Mineral District be as follows viz. Commencing at a Bald Mountain near the sink and to the Westward of Lynx Creek running in a Southerly direction following the dividing ridge of the waters of the Agua Frio and Hassayamp Rivers to a large Pine Mountain about thirty-five miles in an Easterly direction from the place of commencement, thence in an Easterly direction to the Agua Frio River, thence up the Agua Frio River following the bed of the stream northerly direction to Woolsey’s Ranch, thence in a Westerly direction to the place of beginning, and be it further

“Resolved, That the name of this district be known as the Walker Quartz Mining District Bye Laws.

“Art. 1st. The officers of this district shall consist of One President and one Recorder whose term of office respectively shall be six months from the date of the election –

“Art. 2nd. It shall be the duty of the President to preside over and order all meetings, and to conduct the business of the same according to the rules adopted by legislative bodies.

“Art. 3rd. It shall be the duty of the Recorder to act as secretary of all meetings and keep a true & correct record of all claims located and when required shall accompany the person or persons locating claims as a witness of the same & make out all deeds and transfers of claims and take acknowledgments thereto.

“Art. 4th. The Recorder shall receive for each name appearing upon the notice fifty cents and for each mile traveled by him when required in locating claims provided the same exceeds two miles travel from his office fifty cents per mile and for each deed or transfer the sum of $1.50. The Recorder shall procure the necessary books for his 1 office & turn the same over to his successor

“Art. 5th. The books of the Recorder shall be open at all times at his office for the inspection of the public.

“Art. 6th. The Recorder may appoint deputies who shall have the same authority, & whose acts shall be deemed as legal as the principal.

“Art. 7th. Notices of all meetings shall be posted one week previous to the meeting in three prominent places in the district which notices shall designate the time & place of holding the same.

“Art. 8th. All claims of Quartz or of lodes containing metal of value shall be two hundred feet along the lode with Fifty feet on each side & all the dips, spurs and angles following the ledge.

“Art. 9th. The discoverer of a ledge shall be entitled to one claim, which shall be known as the discovery claim, and one by right of preemption.

“Art. 10th. Person or persons locating claims shall post notices and erect monuments either by stakes, ditches or furrows or stones or trees at each end of his or their claims which notices shall designate the date of location, amount claimed, names of parties claiming the direction following the ledge as possible with its dips, spurs & angles.

“Art. 11th. All claims shall be recorded within sixty days from the date of posting notices

“Art. 12th. Person or persons locating claims shall furnish the Recorder with a true copy of the notice and a specimen of the metal

“Art. 13th. No claim shall be deemed abandoned or subject to relocation after recording providing three days labor shall be performed on each claim every three months for one year, or if held by a company the number of days labor required for the number of claims held by them may be performed upon any individual claim held by such company upon that particular ledge on & after the 1st day of April next.

“Art. 14th. None but white persons shall be allowed to hold claims in this district.

“Art. 15th. All disputes with regard to claims shall be settled by arbitration: The parties disputant each selecting an arbitrator the two arbitrators thus selected, selecting the third, the decision of the arbitrators shall be deemed final.

“Art. 16th. No person or persons shall locate a claim or claims in this district who are non residents, or who are not within the district at the time of its location

“Art. 17th. No person or persons except the discoverer of a ledge shall hold more than one claim on each ledge discovered except by purchase.

“Art. 18th. All sales and transfers of claims must be made by deed properly acknowledged, and a note of the same entered upon the books of the Recorder, stating the date amount sold or transferred and to who so sold or transferred.

“Art. 19th. Any person or persons or company holding claims who shall have complied strictly with the foregoing laws for the term of one year from the first day of April next such claims shall be deemed and considered as Real estate & held as such

“Art. 20th. The amount of labor required to be performed upon each claim or claims for one year may be performed at one & the same time, provided the same is performed within three months from the first day of April 1864, or within three months after recording if recorded on and after said first day April.

“Art. 21st. Persons acting as arbitrators shall be entitled to a fee of $5 per day which fee must be deposited by the parties calling the arbitration with the President of the district.

“Art. 22nd. The person or persons losing the suit shall pay the expenses, and the money deposited by the opposite party upon demand returned to them by the President.

“Art. 23rd. All laws & parts of laws conflicting with these by laws are hereby repealed.

“Art. 24th. The discovery claim upon each ledge is hereby exempt from the labor required in the foregoing by laws.”


Farish, Thomas Edwin. History Of Arizona, Volume 2. Printed and Published by Direction of the Second Legislature of the State of Arizona, A. D. 1915.

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