Castle Dome Mining District

At a meeting held at La Paz on the 8th day of December 1862 by persons claiming interests in mineral veins near the Castle Dome range of mountains Col Snively was requested to act as Chairman and H. Ehrenberg as Secretary of the meeting and the following resolutions were adopted.

“That the District wherein said veins are situated be called the Castle Dome District and be bounded as follows: Beginning at the peak known as Castle Dom – Thence 10 miles south – Thence East 10 miles – Thence north 10 miles – Thence West 10 miles to the starting point.

“2 That a mining claim in this District shall be 100 yards along said vein including all the angle spurrs &c belonging thereto –

“3 That the Discoverer or Discoverers of a vein shall be entitled to 100 yards extra on each & ever vein discovered by him or them.

“4 That in taking possession of claims the shall be clearly denned by conspicuous stakes or monmts of rock with the names of persons claiming.

“5. That 100 yards on each side of the vein where not conflicting with prior rights shall be considered part of the claim, and shall belong to the same, with any and every substance or thing found within these bounds on or below the surface.

“6. That all claims shall be recorded within 10 days after claiming them –

“7. That all claims thus recorded shall be properly described in their boundaries, and their relative position, as bearing and distances (where practicable) to any natural or artificial object stated.

“8. That in consideration of the want of mining implements and material in this section at present, the time for commencing operations on the claims is fixed to 15 March 1863.

“9. That on and after that date all claims located shall be worked within 30 days.

“10. That all claims shall be worked in good faith for at least 4 days in each month.

“11. That companies holding various claims on the same vein shall not be obliged to work all of them severally, but that the working of any one of their claims in accordance with article 10 shall be sufficient evidence of good faith and ownership of the parties claiming.

“No claims shall be considered abandoned or forfeited for suspension of work for want of water or on account of war with Indians or any other unavoidable circumstances or obstacle.

“13. A Recorder shall be elected for the District who shall record the different claims, as presented in a book kept for that purpose and he shall give certified copies thereof 1 –

“14. The fee of Recording shall be One Dollar for each claim, and no records of claims shall be made unless a specimen of the ore, coming from said claim shall accompany the statement to be recorded, which specimen shall be properly marked and preserved by the Recorder to serve as evidence in case of dispute hereafter.

“15. The Recorder to be elected hereafter shall for the present keep his office in the town of La Paz Arizona –

“16 Herman Ehrenberg is hereby chosen Recorder for Castle Dom District.

“17 Any five miners holding claims in this District shall have a right to call a general meeting of the miners interested in claims there, for the purpose of revising the mining laws, the election of Recorder or for any purpose referring to the general interest of the District.

“18. Any such meeting as mentioned in article 17 shall only be considered legal by having 2 notices thereof posted within the bounds of said district, and one at the Recorders office for at least 14 days previously.

J. Snively, Chairman.
H. Ehrenberg, Secretary.”


Farish, Thomas Edwin. History Of Arizona, Volume 2. Printed and Published by Direction of the Second Legislature of the State of Arizona, A. D. 1915.

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