Biography of Stewart Montgomery Wall

Last Updated on September 2, 2011 by

Stewart Montgomery Wall, a California pioneer of 1852, was born in Virginia in 1834, and moved with his parents to southwestern Missouri when a lad five years of age and there resided until he came to the Pacific Coast. During the gold excitement of 1850, his father, William Wall, came via Santa Fe and Yuma with his two oldest sons to California and spent a year in the mines up about Auburn in search of the coveted yellow dust.

In 1851 the old gentleman returned to Missouri and the following spring started for the Golden State with the rest of his family, including Stewart, coming this time across the plains by the northern route. He settled in Merced County, and engaged in farming and dealing in livestock. In 1865, he removed with his family to San Bernardino County, where he passed the remainder of his life, he having died some twelve years ago.

In 1857 the subject of this article went back to Missouri, remaining until the fall of 1859. After spending several years in traveling through Arizona, Nevada and Montana, he settled permanently in San Bernardino County in 1865. Mr. Wall has served five terms as marshal of the city, and in 1880-’81-’82-’83 was deputy county recorder for three years. In September 1885, he was appointed county license collector by the board of supervisors, which office he has filled with ability and satisfaction to the present time. His license-collecting amount on an average to about $5,500 each quarter.

Mr. Wall married Miss McCoy, the daughter of an early settler in California. Like many of the brave men who traversed the wilds of the desert and the Sierras in search of the hidden riches of the mines, Mr. Wall passed through thrilling experiences with savage red men, one of which is published in this work as narrated by him on page 414.



The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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