Biographical Sketch of Mrs. G. W. Milam

(See Grant).—Sarah Ellen Couch, born near Italy, Texas, October 17, 1863, educated in Texas and at the Female Seminary of the Cherokee Nation, married October 20, 1881, William Guinn Milam, born March 12, 1860 in Moulton, Lawrence county, Alabama. He is the son of J. B. and Sallie J. Milam. William Guinn and Sarah E. Milam are the parents of: Jesse Bartley, born March 10, 1884; Allie, born November 26, 1885; Noolie, born November 16, 1888; Viola, born February 17, 1891 Charles, born July 23, 1894, enlisted in the 90th Division Headquarters Signal Corpse, 358th. Infantry; was killed in action … Read more

Treaty of October 21, 1867

Note by the Department of State. The words of this treaty which are put in brackets with an asterisk are written in the original with black pencil, the rest of the original treaty being written with black ink. Articles of a treaty and agreement made and entered into at the Council Camp, on Medicine Lodge Creek, seventy miles south of Fort Larned, in the State of Kansas, on the twenty-first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, by and between the United States of America, represented by its commissioners duly appointed thereto, to wit, Nathaniel G. Taylor, William … Read more

Treaty of October 21, 1867 – Memorandum

Articles of a treaty concluded at the Council Camp on Medicine Lodge Creek, seventy miles south of Fort Larned, in the State of Kansas, on the twenty-first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, by and between the United States of America, represented by its commissioners duly appointed thereto to-wit: Nathaniel G. Taylor, William S. Harney, C. C. Augur, Alfred S. [H.] Terry, John B. Sanborn, Samuel F. Tappan, and J. B. Henderson, of the one part, and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians, represented by their chiefs and headmen duly authorized and empowered to act for the body of … Read more

Slave Narrative of Moses Smith

I was born in New Orleans, but don’t remember anything about that place for I was sold to Master Jack Dunn when a little boy and moved to Paris, Texas. Master Jack and his wife, Suda, owned four pretty big farms around Paris and he was kept busy all the time going around to each of them, with me going along sometimes on a horse beside him. He’d be gone for a week at a time, come home and get some home cooking, clean up and be gone again. There was twelve slave families on the farm where I lived … Read more

Slave Narrative of R. C. Smith

Person Interviewed: R. C. Smith Occupation: Prophet One morning in May I heard a poor rebel say; “The federal’s a home guard Dat called me from home…” I wish I was a merchant And could write a fine hand, I’d write my love a letter So she would understand. I wish I had a drink of brandy, And a drink of wine, To drink wid dat sweet gal How I wish dat she was mine. If I had a drink of brandy No longer would I roam, I’d drink it wid dat gal of mine Dat wishes me back home. … Read more

Slave Narrative of Eva Strayhorn

Person Interviewed: Eva Strayhorn Place of Birth: Johnson County, Clarksville, Arkansas When I was a child in Arkansas we used to go to camp-meetings with the white folks. We went right along by they side till we got to church and we set down on the back seat. We took part in all the services. When they wasn’t any church our old Master would call us in on Sunday morning and read the Bible to us and we would sing some good old songs and then go about our ways. Some of the songs that we sung still ring in … Read more

Slave Narrative of J. W. Stinnett

Person Interviewed: J. W. Stinnett Place of Birth: Grayson County, Prairie Grove, Texas Date of Birth: 1863 What with raising nine grandchildren whose mammy is dead, this old head of mine has too many troubles to remember much about them slave days, but anyways I was born in 1863, at a place in Grayson County, Texas, name of Prairie Grove. My mammy come from Virginia, where pappy come from I don’t know, and where he went I don’t know, because he take off to the north during the war and never come back. His name was George Stinnett and mammy’s name … Read more

Slave Narrative of Johnson Thompson

Person Interviewed: Johnson Thompson Place of Birth: Texas Date of Birth: December 1853 Just about two weeks before the coming of Christmas Day in 1853, I was born on a plantation somewheres eight miles east of Bellview, Rusk County, Texas. One year later my sister Phyllis was born on the same place and we been together pretty much of the time ever since, and I reckon there’s only one thing that could separate us slave born children. Mammy and pappy belong to W.P. Thompson, mixed-blood Cherokee Indian, but before that pappy had been owned by three different masters; one was … Read more

Slave Narrative of Jim Threat

Person Interviewed: Jim Threat Place of Birth: Talidiga County, Alabama Date of Birth: September 1851 We all sung dat song and had a lot of fun singing it but it was true jest the same. Dat was one of the things dat the niggers dreaded most, was a patteroller. Slaves would have a little party all the niggers would gather at one of the cabins and lock the door so the patterollers couldn’t git in. When the party was over and they started home the patterollers would stop them and demand their passes. Woe to the nigger that didn’t have … Read more

Slave Narrative of Acemey Wofford

Person Interviewed: Acemey Wofford Date of Birth: June 13 Age: 100 (about) The folks say I’m about 100 years old but there’s no way of me telling about that. I remember the master told me I was born on June 13, but I don’t know what was the year. Maybe I know once, but not now, for the only things I remember now is about the master. I mean my second master who brought me from somewhere in Mississippi to Texas. He was Doctor Hayes; the mistress was Malissa. She was mean, not like the master himself. When the mistress … Read more

Treaty of October 18, 1865

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the council-ground on the Little Arkansas River eight miles from the mouth of said river, in the State of Kansas, on the eighteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, by and between John B. Sanborn, William S. Harney, Thomas Murphy, Kit Carson, William W. Bent, Jesse H. Leavenworth, and James Steele, Commissioners on the part of the United States, and the undersigned chiefs and head-men of the several bands of Comanche Indians specified in connection with their signatures, and the chiefs and head-men … Read more

Rankin Cemetery, Cass County, Texas

On Abandoned Farm Near Hughes Springs, Cass County, Texas CARTER, Alvin, 11/10/1900 – 1/10/1902 Odie, 1/20/1898 – 3/3/1923 Wesley, 1/1/1897 – 1/21/1897 CLONINGER, A. B., 2/7/1887 – 6/10/1923 Amanda G., 1/6/1847 – 5/5/1901 (Husband: A. B. Cloninger) John, 11/15/1804 – 4/2/1898, (Wife: Levina) Levina, 11/28/1806 – 9/8/1867, (Husband: John Cloninger) Netty T., 2/1/1875 – 5/30/1875, (Father: A. B. Cloninger, Mother: A Cloninger) Sweetie, 3/24/1884 – 7/2/1885, ( Father: A. B. Cloninger, Mother: A Cloninger) FITZSIMMONS, Baby, 7/29/1949 – 7/29/1949, (On “SHELTON” lot) FORAND, Ida, 2/17/1876 – 5/14/1916 FOUNTAIN, G. C., 1849 – 1930, (Wife: Mary) Mary, 1863 – 1935, (Husband: … Read more

Hickory Hill Cemetery, Cass County, Texas

Surveyed on 10/23/1960 BALL, J. A., 1/2/1828 – 2/7/1889, (Wife: Martha Ball) Martha, 6/8/1828 – 6/22/1900, (Husband: J. A. Ball) Robert, 7/30/1870 – 1/16/1888, (Father: J. A. Ball) William P., 11/22/1851 – 8/11/1880 BOON, Alfred, 12/8/1878 – 9/28/1880, (Father: J. J. Boon) Infant Son, 5/1/1878 Wilbert, 10/9/1888 – 7/4/1901 BRABHAM, L. L., 4/22/1859 – 9/12/1932 Matilda, 9/25/1861 – 2/8/1888, (Father: J. W. Braswell, Mother: M. A. Braswell, Husband: J. L. Brabham) CAMERON, Eleanor E., 8/23/1852 – 2/17/1930, (Husband: Jas. Madison Cameron, Married 12/22/1870) Eula, 5/3/1874 – 5/8/1875, (Father: J. M. Cameron, Mother: E. E. Cameron) Henry (Infant), 1/11/1879, (Father: J. … Read more

Hopewell Baptist Church, Sardis, Cass County, Texas

Surveyed on 10/26/1960 ANDERSON, Bobbie Allen, 1917 – 1948 BEAL, J. H., 12/19/1856 – 5/26/1929, (Wife: Susan) Susan, 8/28/1955 BEARD, John, no birth date – 3/15/1957 Dr. Tom, 1/14/1899 – 12/24/1952 BLANTON, W. Lewis, 4/27/1871 – 12/7/1932, (Wife: Nannie M) Nannie M, 4/24/1878 – 12/11/1952, (Husband: W. Lewis) BODWELL, Tim, 6/6/1941 – 8/11/1941 BOOKER, G. W., 4/22/1827 – 6/7/1879, (Wife: N. J. Booker) Nancy J., 2/22/1854 – 4/6/1865, (Father: G. W. Booker, Mother: M. J. Booker) Willie McCall, 10/4/1861- 8/3/1882, (Husband: J. B. Booker) BROWN, Emme, dob 1891 Infant Son, 10/9/1928, (Father: Carl Brown, Mother: Charlene Brown) Jewell, 1888 – … Read more

Harris Chapel Cemetery, Cass County, Texas

Highway #49, three miles from Hughes Springs, Cass Co., Texas ALLEN, Alley Wood, 10/18/1883 – 8/10/1885 (Father: G H Allen, Mother: Lena Allen) Amma, 10/25/1877 – 9/26/1900 (Father: G H Allen, Mother: Lena Allen) B. L., 9/21/1813 – 3/24/1885 Bryant, 7/12/1879 – 8/17/1879 Caroline, 6/3/1818 – 3/2/1868 Geo. Christian, 2/1871 – 9/1871 Lena, 1/2/1876 – 6/16/1878 Octo, 10/4/1870 – 9/3/1887 AMOX, Abner P, 1882 – 1955 (wife: Annie) Annie, 1888 – no death date F. P., 1855 – 1928 J. Bright, 1859 – 1941 Mabel, 9/24/1917 – 2/2/1918 Nettie Bolton, 1864 – 1900 Robert, 6/27/1907 – 8/27/1910 Sallie F, 1869 … Read more

County Line Baptist Chapel Cemetery, Cass and Morris County, Texas

Transcribed on 10-25-1960 ——— Amandee (no surname), b. 4 Sept 1895, d. 24 Sept 1898, On lot with “Willie Lue” BAUGHMAN J. A., b. 9 Dec. 1892, d. 3 July 1895, Mother: Dessie Baughman BAYGENTS Ellen, b. 18 Apr. 1870, no death date, Husband: Samuel C. Baygents Samuel C., b. 21 Aug. 1866, d. 18 Apr. 1940, Wife: Ellen BEAN Cora M., b. 22 Feb. 1886, d. 30 Nov. 1928 S. E., b. 6 Mar. 1827, d. 26 Aug. 1900 BEAVERS Salina, b. 24 Apr. 1845, d. 29 May 1880, Husband: L. J. Beavers S. F., b. 1 May 1859, … Read more

Union Hill Cemetery, Cass County, Texas

Near Hughes Springs ALSOBROOKS George, 11/2/1824 – 7/19/1900, (Age: 76 years) Mary, 3/31/1835 – 4/18/1914, (Husband: G. M. Alsobrooks) ALVIS Louie, 1/1/1904 – 2/14/1904 Thomas H., 1876 – no death date, (Wife: Tillie) Tillie, 1879 – no death date, (Husband: Thomas H.) BARRETT Ruby Mae, 1911 – 1918 BEARD Alta Ree, 4/22/1910 – 5/15/1913, (Father: J. D. Beard, Mother: Geneva Beard) Anna Geneva, Mrs., 6/4/1871 – 6/21/1954 J. D., 2/21/1872 – 11/24/1913 BONEY Jessie E., 10/18/1876 – 3/27/1951 BOON A. C. (Kemp), 8/15/1877 – 4/15/1954 Annie, 7/14/1892 – no death date Dora, 5/6/1881 – 2/4/1937 Infant, 1901 Jeff D., 12/13/1861 … Read more

Turkey Creek Cemetery, Cass County, Texas

Transcribed on 5/11/1961 AMOX Ham P., no birth date – 4/24/1958 Matilda, 8/9/1936 – 3/29/1939 Willie, 7/28/1889 – 4/20/1932 BAILEY Charlie A, 2/14/1887 – no death date, (Wife: Mary) Jimmie Lee, 7/9/1951 – 7/9/1951 Mary, 5/5/1888 – 2/27/1951, (Husband: Charlie A.) BIDDY Florence V, 12/25/1900 – 3/21/1901, ( Father: J. F. Biddy, Mother: J. Biddy) J. F., 12/18/1872 – 12/31/1948 Spivey, 7/4/1875 – 4/28/1955 BISHOP Henry Wilton, 3/29/1909 – 10/01/1959 James Monroe, 5/15/1909 – 12/13/1924 BLACKBURN Daisy H., 1902 – 1945 BRUNER M. M., 9/3/1849 – 3/13/1911 BUFFINTON Harris E., 11/13/1902 – 12/10/1902, (Father: C. T. Buffinton, Mother: L. E. … Read more

Prewitt’s Lake Cemetery, Cass County, Texas

Near Hughes Springs Transcribed on 10/30/1960 BEELER Clay R, 1/5/1849 – 4/17/1935, (Wife: Kate T.) Kate T., 6/21/1853 – 2/1/1935, (Husband: Clay R. Beeler) BODWILL Hobert, 11/15/1932 – 11/10/1952, (Texas CPL Btry D 507 AAA AWBN) ESKUE Jodie (Nee Sadler), 12/4/1887 – 11/18/1910 Willie C., 9/3/1878 – 1/24/1911 HILL Emme Beeler, 1/7/1877 – 1/21/1943 Leola, 9/19/1912 – 10/22/1914, (Father: J. P. Hill, Mother: Mrs. J. P. Hill) PENDLEY Dollie May, 3/10/1899 – 9/27/1904 Fannie Bell, 7/12/1868 – 3/24/1908, (Husband: S. P. Pendley) William A, 7/24/1907 – 3/12/1908 POWELL Nellie, no birth date – 6/27/1910, (Father: C. F. Powell, Mother: Eula … Read more

Friendship Cemetery, Cass County, Texas

Farm Road #161 North of Hughes Springs, Cass County, Texas CALDWELL J. R., b. 1 Nov. 1890, d. 30 Dec. 1910 FOURSTER George, b. 14 Aug. 1890, d. 14 Dec. 1912 FULLER Hassie M, b. 1912, d. 1919 Julety, b. 1873, d. 1918, Husband: Thordis J. Fuller Thordis J., b. 1866, d. 1940, Wife: Julety Fuller HALL Belle, b. 28 Mar. 1885, no death date Douglas D., b. 8 July 1918, d. 16 Aug. 1940 George Halbert, b. 16 Feb. 1912, d. 27 May 1913, Father: W. E. Hall, Mother: Belle Hall Hattie O, b. 1875, d. 19–, Husband: Luther … Read more