Sinkaietk Indians. Significance unknown; an Anglicized form of their own name.
Sinkaietk Connections. The Sinkaietk are sometimes classed with the Okanagon, and called Lower Okanagon, both constituting a dialectic group of interior Salishan Indians.
Sinkaietk Location. Okanagan River from its mouth nearly to the mouth of the Similkameen.
Sinkaietk Subdivisions
- Kartar, from the foot of Lake Omak to the Columbia River.
- Konkonelp, winter sites, from about 3 miles above Malott to the turn of the Okanagan River at Omak.
- Tonasket, from Riverside upstream to Tonasket.
- Tukoratum, winter sites, from Condon’s Ferry on the Columbia to the mouth of the Okanagan River and up the latter to about 4 miles above Monse, Wash.
- Ray (1932) mentions four villages belonging to the Kartar and Tukoratum Bands.
Sinkaietk Population. Included with the Okanagon Indians.