Biographical Sketch of Pliny Hall

PLINY HALL, Son of Martin, and grandson of Capt. Edward Hall, was born Sept. 21, 1817. At the age of seven, on the death of his father, he went to live with his uncle Calvin Hall, and labored on the farm until he was twenty-one. In 1842 he entered the store of Ruel Durkee, Esq., where he was principal clerk for nine years, and was chief clerk to his successor for three years. He then returned to farming, which occupation he has since followed. He was appointed U. S. Assistant Census Marshal in 1850 ; was elected Representative in 1851 and 1852, and County Treasurer in 1855 and 1856. He was appointed one of the Committee on the Apportionment of the Public Taxes, in June, 1852, and U. S. Enrolling Officer in 1864.



Partridge, Dennis N. Croydon New Hampshire Genealogy.

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