BUCKLAND-TOUTSAINTS, or Buckland All Saints, is a small parochial chapelry, appended ecclesiastically to Loddiswell parish, though it is in Coleridge Hundred, and maintains its poor and roads as a distinct township. It is about two miles N.E. of Kingsbridge, and contains only 56 inhabitants, and about 500 acres of fertile land, belonging to Wm. John Clark, Esq., of Buckland House, and Edward Torr, Esq., of Bearscombe, or Woodmaston. The first named mansion is a large and handsome building, with tasteful grounds, on an eminence commanding fine views. Mr. Torr, sen., is in his 97th year, and in the enjoyment of all his faculties. The only tenant farmer is Mr. Josias Whyat, of the Quarry Farm. The manor belonged to the Toutsaint family in the reign of Richard I., and afterwards passed to the Hills and Southcotes, the latter of whom, after having been seated here for several generations, sold the manor in 1793 to the late Wm. Clark, Esq. of Plymouth. The Chapel (St Peter,) was very ancient, but was mostly rebuilt in 1779, by John Henry Southcote, Esq. It was appropriated with Loddiswell to Slapton College, and in the 15th century, and is now a curacy annexed to Loddiswell vicarage, and in the same impropriation. The tithes have been commuted for £51. 10s. 6d. per annum.