Doc. No. 268

To the House of Representatives of the United States:
Washington, May 9, 1828
The report of the Secretary of War, herewith transmitted, with the documents annexed, contain the information requested by a resolution of the third of April last, relating to payments made to the citizens of Georgia under the fourth article of the Treaty with the Creek Nation, of 8th February, 1821, and to the disallowance of certain claims exhibited under that Treaty, and to the reasons for rejecting the same.
John Quincy Adams.
Department of War
May 8, 1828
SIR : The Secretary of War, to whom was referred the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 3d ultimo, requesting the President of the United States to lay before that House “a statement of the amount allowed and paid to the citizens of Georgia. under the fourth article of the Treaty with the Creek Nation. of the 8th February, 1811, for losses occasioned by Indian depredations; also, a statement of the claims disallowed, and the reasons for rejecting the same, exhibiting, separately, such as have been rejected on account of their being for property destroyed, and such as have been refused payment, in whole or in part, because they were for interest, damages, or the increase of negro property carried away, and distinguishing them from such as have been disallowed for defect of evidence;” has the honor to transmit herewith a statement of the Second Auditor of the Treasury, which furnishes the information required.
I have the honor to be
Your obedient servant,
‘To the PRESIDENT of the United States,
Treasury Department,
Second Auditor’s Office, 6th May, 1828.
SIR: In compliance with the resolution of tile House of representatives of the 3d April, 1828 calling for a statement of the amount “allowed and paid to the citizens of Georgia under fourth article of the Treaty with the Creek, Nation, of the 8th February, 1821, for losses occasioned by Indian depredations; also, a statement of the claims disallowed, and the reasons for the rejecting the same, exhibiting, separately, such as have been rejected on account of their being for property destroyed, and such as have been refused payment, in whole or in part, because they were for interest, damages, or the increase of negro property carried away, and distinguishing them from such as have been disallowed for defect of evidence.
I have the honor to transmit, herewith, the two statements marked A and B, giving the information required.
I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Wm. Lee
Hon. James Barbour, secretary of War.

Creek, History,

Payments to Citizens of Georgia. Issue 268 of Document, United States 20th Congress, 1st session, 1828. Gales & Seaton. 1828.

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