Payment – 10

Last Updated on July 30, 2012 by Dennis

Payments to

Claims rejected.

Claims admitted.

1799. Samuel Alexander, sen. deceased. Ten horses, – – 900.00
One hundred and fifty head of cattle, – -750
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta. The claim for property destroyed is not allowed. The treaty does not provide for it.
1780, ’81. Asa Alexander. Two horses,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.
1788. John Cole, deceased. One negro, £80 sterling,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of New York. The claim for the cattle lost in 1793 is rejected for want of evidence in its support.
1788. Stephen Corker. One negro woman, £50 sterling,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of New York.
1793. Francis Pugh. One negro, $500. Seven horses, 525
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine. The claim for the property destroyed is rejected, the treaty not having provided for it.
786. John True, deceased. Two rifle guns, three saddles, five horses,
This claim is not strictly in form. The loss of the property is sufficiently established, through the claimants having neglected to file a memorial of the claim, as required by the instructions. It is, however, referred to the President as a fair claim, at least so Much of it as embraces the above charges, which are provided for by the treaty of Shoulderbone. The treaty having only provided for the restoration of such articles as were then in the nation, the charges lowed, charges for property destroyed ought not to be allowed.
1799. Bryan Allen. One horse,
This claim is provided for by the 2d article of the treaty of Fort Wilkinson, and is embraced in the 5th class of excluded claims, referee to in the President’s instructions
1792.’3. Benjamin Harrison, deceased. Three horses, one cow,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine- The value of the property ascertained by reference to the affidavit of Samuel Spenlock, sworn to in 1802. The charge for the houses burnt is rejected, because it is not provided for by the treaty
1793. Jesse Green. One horse.
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine.
1793. Gideon Allen. One horse,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine.
1791, ‘3. Samuel Parker. Five horses,
The number of horses, and their value, ascertained by reference to the affidavit of the claimant. Sworn to in 1795; and supported by the testimony of Benjamin Parker. The claim is provided for by the treaty of Coleraine.

Creek, History,

Payments to Citizens of Georgia. Issue 268 of Document, United States 20th Congress, 1st session, 1828. Gales & Seaton. 1828.

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