Biography of Leander P. McCubbin

The stability of a land depends upon the character of her sons and it is very gratifying to find the citizens who form the population of Wallowa county stanch and capable, and in this worthy number we are constrained to give especial mention to the subject of this sketch, since he has manifested qualities that are deserving of this position and has achieved success that demonstrates his ability to be among the leading financiers and property owners of the northeastern part of Oregon, while also he has maintained an untarnished reputation and displayed a well rounded character replete with the virtues that make the typical man.

Leander P. was born in Jacksonville, Oregon, April 21, 1861, being the son of Abraham and Sarah (Deen) McCubbin, natives respectively of Kentucky and Missouri. The parents came across the plains from Missouri to the Willamette valley in 1852, locating in Clackamas County. The father died in Wasco County, in March 1880, and the mother in Lostine, in April 1898. The wife’s parents came from Missouri to Clackamas County in 1875, the mother passing away in 1886 in Wasco county and the father died in Marion county in 1892. Returning more especially to our subject, he was reared on a farm, and attended public school in the various places in which his parents lived during his minority. When a child he was taken to Washington county, this state, and remained until ten years old, then went with his parents to Wasco county and continued with them until he had reached the age of twenty one. At that time he began farming for himself, paying also some attention to raising stock, until 1889, then removed to the Wallowa valley and located near where he lives now, entering government land. He commenced to raise horses and cattle, but paid most attention to handling sheep and general farming. Prosperity attended his efforts of thrift and industry, directed by wisdom of a high order, and his estate has increased until it is now of the princely proportions of one thousand and forty acres. It lies five miles southeast from Lostine and is well improved, fenced and provided with a good house and substantial outbuildings and barns. He has also much stock, especially a large band of sheep, and is numbered with the leading woolgrowers of the county.

On February 24, 1885, Mr. McCubbin married Miss Sarah A. Smith, a native of Missouri, and a daughter of John S. and Emily J. (Goodin) Smith, the nuptials occurring at The Dalles. Seven children have blessed this happy union, named as follows, Addie L., Dora B., Charles L., Grace M., Bird A., Roy M., Guy A. Mr. and Mrs. McCubbin are both members of the Christian church and they are ardent and stanch supporters of their faith at all times and devoted followers of the teachings of Him whom they own as Savior. When Mr. McCubbin came to the county he was not favored with great resources in financial ways but had great courage and energy and he has wrought with perseverance and industry continuously since that time and is now numbered with the heaviest property owners in the county and the success that has attended him has never eclipsed the stanch qualities of moral worth that shine in his ways continuously and he is looked up to by all and esteemed in generous measure.



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