Robert Emerson Todd of Chicago IL

Robert Emerson Todd8, (Asa E.7, Asa6, Titus5, Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born July 22, 1871, married Sept. 1, 1903, Henrietta Ellen, daughter of Edward Collins and Mary Welles Stone, of Hartford, Conn., who was born Sept. 28, 1874.

Mr. Todd received his education in Springfield, Mass., and has been engaged in civic and social work all his life. After about nine years of social settlement work at Chicago Commons, Chicago, he was with the New York Bureau of Municipal Research, three years. For the last ten years he has devoted himself as a trained specialist to the subject of housing. This has included investigations, reports, record systems etc., for city, state, and federal departments, chambers of commerce and philanthropic funds.

The cities thus studied number more than twenty; New York, Lawrence, Mass., Cincinnati, Detroit and other Michigan Cities, Des Moines, Chicago and other Illinois Cities, and Connecticut’s five largest cities.

The best of the reports that have been published are; Lawrence, Des Moines, Michigan State Board of Health, and the one written for the Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium.


2340. Mary Welles, b. Oct. 1, 1904.
2341. Robert Emerson, b. Dec. 10, 1906.



Todd, George Iru. Todd Family in America. Gazette Printing Company. 1920.

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