Hewins Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

The Dea. Seth Hewins house and place were next to the Fisher place upon the same side of the road. It was a story-and-a-half house, built by Dea. Hewins about 1800, now gone, and another house built upon its site by Jonathan Stover, the present owner.

Dea. Seth Hewins was born in Dedham, Mass., Feb. 12, 1773; married Katherine Fisher, sister to Rev. Jonathan Fisher, Sept. 2, 1799. She was born March 27, 1771; died Aug. 15, 1854. They came to Blue Hill in 1799, and here resided until their death, he dying May 9, 1844.

He was chosen a deacon of the Blue Hill Congregational church March 17, 1808, in which capacity he acted for many years. At his death May 19, 1844, we find the following entry in the church records concerning his connection with the church:

“Obituary— Dea. Seth Hewins, who became connected with this church May 30, 1803, died May 19, 1844. Dea. Hewins was a man of wise temperament and regular in his habits; his religion was stable and consistent rather than brilliant and fluctuating; his love to the means of grace in the regularity of his support and attendance, both of which were continued amidst many infirmities to the close of life.

“For many years he discharged acceptably and profitably the duties of deacon; from this however he was excused the last few years of his life on account of bodily infirmities. His end was peaceful rather than triumphant; his hope of acceptance with Christ during life was checkered with doubts and expressed with caution, and the same was true when death drew near. We saw in him an illustration of the truth so often verified that men who were Christians ordinarily die as they lived. Yet none who knew him would doubt that he died the death of the righteous.”

Dea. Hewins and wife had four children born to them, all of whom preceded them to the spirit world. They were, viz.:

  1. Katherine Hewins, born Feb. 22, 1801; died Feb. 16, 1823.
  2. Seth Hewins, born Oct. 3, 1802; died May 19, 1827.
  3. Cynthia Hewins, born Jan. 13, 1805; died June 28, 1835.
  4. Sukey Hewins, born Dec. 18, 1807, died June 21, 1836.

After the death of Mr. and Mrs. Hewins the house and place became the property of Jonathan Stover, who took down the old house in the ’70’ s and erected upon its site the two-story house now standing.

Fisher, Hewins, Stover,

Candage, R. A. F. Historical Sketches of Blue Hill, Maine. Ellsworth, Maine: Hancock County Publishing Company, Printers. 1905.

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