Biography of F.C. Bramlet

A pioneer to this state, and a man who has wrought in all the occupations incident to the pioneer’s life, being also attended with many hardships, the subject of this sketch is today one of the most respected and admired residents of Wallowa county, and we are pleased to accord to him a representation in this volume that purports to chronicle the events of the history of the county and also the lives of its leading citizens, since he has been a potent factor in the establishment of the institutions of the county, and has been a faithful supporter of good government here for thirty years, while his personal qualifications eminently fit him for the prominent place that he holds in the esteem of his fellows.

In 1827 F. C. Bramlet was born in Franklin County, Georgia, being the son of Nathan and Jane (Gober) Bramlet. When he was six months old his parents came to McMinn county, Tennessee, and in 1833 they removed thence to the Cherokee purchase and in 1843 came to southwestern Missouri. It was as early as in 1852 that they joined the army that was wending its way toward the Pacific coast. The train was attacked with the cholera, and the parents died on the banks of the Snake River, within three days of each other, sixteen of the party died and our subject came near passing away. He was left with three sisters and two brothers to care for. They wended their way on the rest of their sad journey and settled in Yam Hill County. There Mr. Bramlet took up the occupation of rail splitting, and in this he was contemporaneous with another illustrious toiler in that realm, although in a different section of the country. Our subject took up a donation claim and then went to the Coos county mines for a time and then returned to his claim in Douglas county, where he wrought until 1871, in the meantime going to California and then to Josephine county, then returning to Douglas county, whence he migrated to Union county, settling near Ladd’s canyon, two miles north. As early as the fall of 1871 he entered the territory now embraced in Wallowa County, and took a homestead near the present town of Wallowa. He has the distinction of bringing into the county the first sheep, and he has been a promoter of the industry of raising stock since his domicile here. He was also the first postmaster in the county, holding the position for six and one-half years. Mr. Bramlet was active in the interests of the settlers during the Joseph war and he also served in the war waged against the savages in the Rogue River region in 1855-56. In all of this military service Mr. Bramlet manifested his characteristics of courage, bravery and excellent judgment, with energy. He is one of the most substantial citizens of the county, has wrought with excellent ability during the long years of his residence here, and has been very instrumental in advancing the interests of the citizens and the county in many ways.

Mr. Barmlet and Miss Martha Tower, a native of Illinois, were married in Douglas county, Oregon, in 1867, and they have become the parents of the following children: Nathan Henry: Sarah, the first white child born in the county: George, deceased: Mary: Martha: Lewis: Charles: James, deceased. Mrs. Bramlet’s parents came to Oregon in 1853 and settled in Douglas County. Her father was a local preacher and while his hands assisted in clearing the wilderness for the crops and fruitage necessary for the weary pilgrims, he also did noble work in ministering to the spiritual needs of the settlers. In the venerable and highly esteemed subject of this sketch, we have one of the excellent men who has always while he wrought, kept himself unsullied in reputation and gained a dignity and strength of character, that commend him to every upright and intelligent person: and now after a long life well spent in the service of his fellows, and in devotion and loyalty to his country, he is passing the golden years of his time in quietness and comfort, while he enjoys the meed of his labors in substantial blessings which he has justly earned.

Bramlet, Tower,


An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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