Biography of Jasper G. Stevens

JASPER G. STEVENS. – Substantial, prosperous, capable, and esteemed by his fellows, the gentlman, whose name initiates this article, is one who has wrought here in the business world of Union for a goodly number of years, and is well established as one of the leading business men of Cove, where he operates a fine drug store, being also entrusted with the responsibilities of the postoffice of the town. Born in the Webfoot State, he cast his lot beneath its stars and has been educated and is acquiring and has achieved his success here, and to-day he holds an enviable … Read more

Biography of John McClellan

John McClellan, one of the earliest pioneers of Boise, Idaho, is a native of Ohio, born in Licking County, March 16, 1827, of Irish and English extraction, his paternal ancestors being Irish, his maternal, English. John McClellan, his father, was born in Ireland in 1777, and in the year 1820 came to America, landing at New York, where he remained for some time and where he was married to Miss Amanda Reed, a native of New York and a daughter of English parents. From New York they removed to Dresden, Ohio, where they resided until 1850 in which year he … Read more

Biography of Albert Hembree

It is indeed very gratifying to be allowed to epitomize the career of this esteemed pioneer, being, as he is, one of the earliest pilgrims who ever crossed the dreary plains and rugged mountains toward the setting sun; and since that early date he has been identified with the progress and development of the great west, having ever done a worthy share where his lot has been cast. It will be of interest to chronicle some of the more definite details of this life and we note first that Mr. Hembree was born in Tennessee on April 23, 1833, being … Read more

Biography of F.C. Bramlet

A pioneer to this state, and a man who has wrought in all the occupations incident to the pioneer’s life, being also attended with many hardships, the subject of this sketch is today one of the most respected and admired residents of Wallowa county, and we are pleased to accord to him a representation in this volume that purports to chronicle the events of the history of the county and also the lives of its leading citizens, since he has been a potent factor in the establishment of the institutions of the county, and has been a faithful supporter of … Read more

Biography of Joseph F. Johnson

It now becomes our pleasant privilege to give in brief review the salient points of the life of the prominent and distinguished gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, and who has been a potent factor in the development of Wallowa County, and also a well known figure in the political realm, both of the state, as well as in promoting and manipulating some measures that are of import to the United States, while his personal qualities of worth and integrity, together with his ability and keen foresight, have rendered him a gratifying measure of success in all of his private … Read more

Biography of Rev. Abraham Eads

REV. ABRAHAM EADS. – It is very fitting that in the history of the county with which we have to do at the present time, their should be incorporated a resume of the career of the beloved and esteemed gentleman, whose name appears at the head of this article, and whose life of usefulness has been so intimately and potently connected with the affairs of the county and the country in general adjacent to our borders until now he has grown venerable in the service and the silver threads remind that the toils, hardships and vigils are nearer done and … Read more

Biography of William Henry Canaday

It is fitting that in a work that purports to accord to the leading citizens of Harney county representation there should be special mention of the well known business man whose name heads this article and who has labored in our midst for a number of years, gaining a good success and making for himself a name and standing which are enviable. Madison Canaday was born in Hillsboro, Highland county, Ohio, on October 21, 1831, and when a boy went with his parent to Illinois and then to Iowa, whence they crossed the plains with ox teams in 1852. They … Read more