Biography of Captain Eleazar L. Sarsons

Captain Eleazar L. Sarsons, a well-known resident of Acworth and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in Lyme, N.H., August 9, 1836, son of Leon and Flora Ella (Prue) Sarsons. His father, who was born in France in the year 1800, emigrated to Canada in 1828, and in 1834 moved to Sheffield, Vt. He was a shoemaker by trade, and followed this handicraft in connection with farming for some time. He later plied his calling in Lyme, N.H., and other places; and in 1871 he came to Acworth, where he spent the rest of his life. He married Flora Ella Prue, who was born in Canada in 1815. They became the parents of ten children, as follows: Mary; Elinore; Eleazar L., the subject of this sketch; Flora, who was born in 1834, and died in Wheelock, Vt., in 1841; Adeline; Marguerite; William H.; George W., who died in Pennsylvania, December 6, 1880; Ella, born in Barre, Vt., in April, 1852; and Charles, who was born in Orange, Vt., in 1860, and died in 1868. Mary Sarsons became the wife of Henry Townes, of Lake Village, N.H. Her husband died July 1, 1896; and she is now residing in Nashua, N.H. Elinore married George W. Newell, of Nashua, and died May 3, 1889. Adeline married John Williams. Marguerite, who married John Clark, died June 28, 1880. William H., who married Clara Barton, died in Kansas, January 6, 1881. Ella is the widow of Ora C. Smith, late of Acworth, N.H., who died February 1, 1897. Leon Sarsons died June 17, 1888, having survived his wife, who died February 12, 1885, a little more than three years.

Eleazar L. Sarsons in his boyhood attended school in Barre, Vt. At the age of nineteen he went to Oshkosh, Wis., where he was engaged in the lumber business a short time; and upon his return East he settled in Nashua. On May 2, 1861, he joined Company E, First Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, under Colonel M. W. Tappin and Captain A. S. Edgerly. He remained with his regiment until August 9 of that year, when he re-enlisted in the Fourth New Hampshire Regiment, and on September 20 was assigned to duty in Company C, under Captain Gilman E. Sleeper. He served from the outbreak until the close of the war for the Union, in which he took part in many of the most notable and decisive battles. Mr. Sarsons was made a Sergeant on September 25, 1861, and was appointed First Sergeant, May 1, 1863. On May 20, 1864, he was taken prisoner, and during his captivity of seven months was confined in Petersburg, Andersonville, Charleston, and Florence. Continued exposure brought on a severe illness, which he was obliged to endure without medical aid; and after his release he was confined to the hospital at Annapolis, Md., with an attack of fever, Raleigh, N.C. He was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant, February 17, 1865, was commissioned Captain June 2, and mustered out as such in Concord, September 2 of the same year. His experience while in the army was one of unusual activity, much of the time being spent in service at the front; and his war record is a most honorable one. In 1867 Captain Sarsons purchased the farm of two hundred acres, where he now resides. His property is well improved. He carries on general farming energetically, is interested in breeding horses, and raises sheep and cattle.

On November 3, 1857, Captain Sarsons married for his first wife Emeline H. Campbell, of Nashua. She died June 8, 1871, leaving three children, namely: Adelbert E., born September 3, 1858; Clarence L., who was born September 2, 1861, and died May 26, 1883; and Nellie A., born June 22, 1864. Adelbert E. married Lillian Mathews, of Nashua, and is now residing in Newport, N.H. Nellie A. is the wife of Frank Clement, of Newport. On December 17, 1871, Captain Sarsons wedded Ella Z. Metcalf. She was born in Newport, November 23, 1844, daughter of Joseph P. and Lucy (Gould) Metcalf. Mrs. Sarsons’s father died December 17, 1869; and her mother died in April, 1896. By this second marriage of Captain Sarsons there is one daughter, Flora, who was born October 19, 1872, and is now the wife of Natt H. Beckwith, of Lempster.

Politically, Captain Sarsons is a Republican. He has served as a Selectman one year, was Tax Collector ten years, and for several years past has acted as a Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. Fraternally, he is connected with Forest Lodge, No. 69, I. O. O. F., of Marlow; Cold River Grange, No. 19, Patrons of Husbandry; the Prisoners-of-war Association and the Veterans’ Association; and is a comrade of Hancock Post, No. 9, G. A. R., of Alstead, N.H.


Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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