History of Acworth New Hampshire

The town of Acworth lies in the southern part of the county, and is bounded as follows: North, by Unity; east, by Lempster ; south, by Cheshire County; and west, by Charlestown and Langdon. History of Acworth, Sullivan County, New Hampshire Church History of Acworth, Sullivan County, New Hampshire

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Locke

(V) Frederick, son of Lieutenant Joshua Locke, was born at Westboro, June 6. 1757, and married (first) in 1793, at Charlestown, New Hampshire, Anna Farwell, who died in 1804. He married (second), July 15, 1805, Lucy Graves, of Washington, New Hampshire. He prepared for college at Leicester Academy, but instead of going to college enlisted in the American army shortly after the revolution began, anti remained in the army during most of the war. After the war was ended he is said to have often remarked that “he did not regret the decision he made, though he lost his pay … Read more

Biography of Hon. George Ashby Cummings

Hon. George Ashby Cummings, ex-Mayor of Concord and formerly a member of the State Senate, was born in Acworth, June 13, 1833, son of Alvah and Polly (Grout) Cummings. His father was a native of Sullivan, and his mother was born in Acworth. He was educated in the public schools of South Acworth. At the age of twenty years he engaged in the marble business in Franklin, N.H., where he remained until 1861. He then moved to Concord, where he has prosperously carried on the same business. His reputation is that of an able, energetic business man. He was a … Read more

Biography of George E. Davis

George E. Davis, a prominent farmer of Northfield and a native of Acworth, N.H., was born April 30, 1839, son of Oliver and Harriett Elizabeth (Moore) Davis. The father, a native of Acworth, removed to Surry, and later to Lempster, which was the home of his wife. In Lempster he was engaged in farming until his death in 1881. His wife, Elizabeth, died at Manchester in 1885. Henry J. Davis, the first-born of their nine children, was a surgeon in the army, and died at Baltimore. George E., the subject of this sketch, was their second son. His brother, Jefferson, … Read more

Biography of Hiram N. Hayward

Hiram N. Hayward, Librarian of the Silsby Free Public Library at Acworth, N.H., was born in this town, April 6, 1837. His parents, Joseph and Patty G. (Slader) Hayward, were also natives of Acworth. His paternal grandfather, Jacob Hayward, was born in Bridgewater, Mass. From Mitchell’s history of that early settled town in Plymouth County we learn that he was the third in direct line to bear the name of the Hebrew patriarch, and that he was the sixth in descent from Thomas Hayward, the immigrant progenitor, who was one of the original proprietors of Bridgewater. Nathaniel Hayward, son of … Read more

Church History of Acworth NH

The Congregational Church in Acworth was organized March 12, 1773, with eight members, as follows: Henry Silsby, Betbiah Silsby, Thomas Putnam, Rachel Putnam, Samuel Silsby, Elizabeth Silsby, Dean Carlton, Anna Cross. During the first fifteen years the church was supplied by George Gilmore, David Goodale, Isaiah Kilburn and others. The first pastor was settled on the second Tuesday of November, 1789. The first meeting-house, erected in 1784, in front of the present house, was not ready for use till 1789. The present edifice was built in 1821. The Confession of Faith and Covenant were revised by direction of the church, … Read more

Biography of Captain Eleazar L. Sarsons

Captain Eleazar L. Sarsons, a well-known resident of Acworth and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in Lyme, N.H., August 9, 1836, son of Leon and Flora Ella (Prue) Sarsons. His father, who was born in France in the year 1800, emigrated to Canada in 1828, and in 1834 moved to Sheffield, Vt. He was a shoemaker by trade, and followed this handicraft in connection with farming for some time. He later plied his calling in Lyme, N.H., and other places; and in 1871 he came to Acworth, where he spent the rest of his life. He married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. N. R. Nichols

Rev. N. R. Nichols

Rev. N. R. Nichols was pastor of the Congregational church at Norwich village from February, 1880, to May, 1904, after completing a seven years’ pastorate at Barnet, Vermont, which was preceded by brief pastorates at Westfield, Massachusetts, and Acworth, New Hampshire. During his term of nearly a quarter of a century here in Norwich, Mr. Nichols faithfully cared for the interests committed to his charge, as the one hundred and ninety-five accessions to his church during his pastorate amply indicate. Not alone to matters connected with his church did he give his attention, but, as well, to those of a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hiram C. Ellenwood

Hiram C. Ellenwood, a carpenter and undertaker of Charlestown, N.H., was born in Woodward, Vt., November 26, 1826, son of Cyrus and Sally (Draper) Ellenwood. His grandfather, Joseph Ellenwood, was a native of Greenfield, N.H., where he also resided during the greater part of his life, engaged in general farming. He married Mary Punchard, who became the mother of nine children. Their son, Cyrus, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Greenfield, N.H., in 1782. He was a shoemaker by trade, and removed to Charlestown at the age of fifty years. In 1811 he married Sally Draper, … Read more

Biography of Andrew J. Mitchell

Andrew J. Mitchell, one of Lempster’s well-to-do farmers and an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in Acworth, N.H., August 3, 1828, son of William L. and Elmira (Moore) Mitchell. He is a descendant of Thomas and Mary (Mitchell) Mitchell, who emigrated from Ireland, and located in Londonderry, N.H. William and Martha (Wallace) Mitchell, Andrew J., settled upon a farm in Acworth in 1777. Jonathan Mitchell, grandfather of Andrew J., and a native of Acworth, spent the active period of his life engaged in agriculture. He married Nancy Mitchell, of Francestown, N.H., and his children were: William L.; … Read more

History of Acworth, Sullivan County, New Hampshire

The town of Acworth lies in the southern part of the county, and is bounded as follows: North, by Unity; east, by Lempster ; south, by Cheshire County; and west, by Charlestown and Langdon. This town was first granted by Governor Bentin, Wentworth, December 28, 1752, to Colonel Sampson Stoddard, of Chelmsford, Mass., and sixty-nine others, by the name of Burnet, probably in honor of Governor William Burnet. At this time white people could. not live safely in this vicinity at any great distance from the fort at No. 4, (now Charlestown), on account of the Indians; and the town, … Read more

Biography of George S. Bond

George S. Bond, a manufacturer of Charlestown, was born in that town, March 2, 1837, son of Silas and Alice (Abbot) Bond. His grandfather, William Bond, who was born in Watertown, Mass., at the age of twenty years came to Charlestown, and thereafter carried on general farming during the remainder of his active life. One of his six children was Silas Bond, who married Alice Abbot, and also was the father of six children, including the subject of this sketch. George S. Bond was educated in the district schools of the town. At the age of seven years his father … Read more

Biography of William O. C. Woodbury

William O. C. Woodbury, long a prominent business man of Claremont, N.H., and one of the leading Odd Fellows in Sullivan County, was born in Acworth, N.H., February 26, 1818, son of Amos Woodbury. His father, who was born August 5, 1795, was twice married, first to Mary Farnam Carleton, born October 19, 1795, by whom he had: William Oliver Carleton, Mary Lawrence, Hannah Kelly, Eliza Crombee, Amos Omera, Amelia Jane, Judith Annette, Harriot Angeline, and Sarah Maria; and second to Louisa Chandler, born August 18, 1807, who gave him James Vilas Chandler and Samuel Ira Lawrence. Of these children … Read more

Biographical Sketch of McKeen, D. W.

McKeen, D. W. physician and surgeon, located in Russell, Kan., in December, 1878, where he engaged in the practice of his profession. He was born in Ackworth, N. H., in 1852; began the study of medicine at the age of twenty-one; he was educated at the Kimbal. Union Academy of Meridan, N. H., graduating in June, 1875; began reading medicine the latter year; attended lectures at Long Island College, and at the hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1878. He graduated from the college of physicians and surgeons at Keokuk, Iowa; began the practice of medicine in Russell; he has been … Read more

Biography of John P. Rounsevel

John P. Rounsevel, formerly a well-known wool buyer of Claremont, was born in Unity, N.H., January 2, 1815, son of Royal and Betsey (Sweat) Rounsevel. Rounseville, the original spelling of the name, was changed to the present form by Joseph Rounsevel about the year 1768. In 1749 Thomas Rounseville wrote from Ottery St. Mary to Philip Rounseville, of England, who afterward came to this country. He settled in Freetown, Mass., and was called by the townspeople King Philip. His son Joseph, who, born January 3, 1737, died in 1827, went to Washington, N.H., between 1768 and 1772, from Middleboro, Mass., … Read more