Biography of John Tyler

John Tyler was well known in Claremont as an inventor and builder. He was a son of John Tyler and a grandson of Benjamin Tyler, both eminent mechanics. Benjamin, who settled in Claremont in the spring of 1776, built the first dam across the Sugar River at West Claremont, and was for many years one of the most public-spirited men in town. The History of Claremont gives the following facts concerning his grandson:- “John Tyler was born in Claremont, March 26, 1818. He learned the trade of millwright, serving an apprenticeship of seven years, and was then for eight years … Read more

Biography of Captain Eleazar L. Sarsons

Captain Eleazar L. Sarsons, a well-known resident of Acworth and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in Lyme, N.H., August 9, 1836, son of Leon and Flora Ella (Prue) Sarsons. His father, who was born in France in the year 1800, emigrated to Canada in 1828, and in 1834 moved to Sheffield, Vt. He was a shoemaker by trade, and followed this handicraft in connection with farming for some time. He later plied his calling in Lyme, N.H., and other places; and in 1871 he came to Acworth, where he spent the rest of his life. He married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Cook

David Cook, from Barre, Vt., came to Elmore about the year 1822, and located on road 12, upon the farm now occupied by Leonard Grimes, where he cut the first timber on that property. Mr. Cook married Betsey Conant, reared a family of ten children, served his townsmen in various offices, and died in 1878. His widow is now a resident of Barre, Vt., aged eighty-one years. His son, Charles, is the present 1st selectman of the town.

Biographical Sketch of Seth Town

Seth Town came to Elmore, from Barre, Vt., in 1823, and located near road 10, upon the farm now owned by Luther Ward. He resided here until about 1840, when he removed to the farm owned by C. S. Parker, on road 16. He served his townsmen in several official capacities, and died March 23, 1860. His wife, Susan Sherman, died January 14, 1870. Their only child, Eliza, is the wife of C. S. Parker.

Biographical Sketch of Franklin Trow

Franklin Trow, a native of Barre, and son of George Trow, one of the early settlers of that town, removed to Woodbury in 1821, where he subsequently died. His son Franklin came to this town in 1851, and purchased a farm on road 21, now owned by his son, with whom he lives at the age of seventy-eight years.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin F. Morse

Benjamin F. Morse was born in Barre, Vt., in 1828, and came to Elmore from Plainfield, Vt., in 1852, and located upon the farm he now occupies, on road 28. His house, erected in 1853, was the second frame house built in the eastern part of the town. Mr. Morse has been married three times, and is one of the prominent men of the town.

Biography of Eli A. Boutwell

Eli A. Boutwell, a farmer and lumberman of Hopkinton, N.H., son of Samuel P. and Lydia A. (Allen) Boutwell, was born in Barre, Vt., February 25, 1833. His lineage has not been traced; but a little research would probably show that he belongs to the old New England family of Boutwells, of which the Hon. George S. Boutwell, ex-Secretary of the Treasury, is a representative. Its founder, James Boutwell, said to have been made a freeman in Lynn, Mass., in 1638 or 1639, died in 1651, leaving a wife Alice, sons James and John, and a daughter Sarah. The sons … Read more

Barre in the Great Flood of 1927

Barre in the Great Flood of 1927 toc

In November 1927 over a 39-hour period a total of 9 inches of rain fell in the area surrounding Barre Vermont. Barre sits in an area described by the author as a huge catch basin, and the rivers and brooks feeding them could only filter so much rain at one time before overflowing their banks. The tragic outcome wasn’t a loss of property, it was that 63 individuals would lose their life due to the flooding. This book provides an accurate eye-witness account of the flooding and is filled with pictures of the aftermath. It is free to read or download.

The family of Jeremiah Carleton of Lyndeboro, NH and Barre, VT

The family of Jeremiah Carleton of Lyndeboro NH and Barre VT

In 1948, Tracy Elliot Hazen and William Hazen authored “The Family of Jeremiah Carleton of Lyndeboro, N.H. and Barre, Vt.: A Genealogical Record,” tracing the lineage and familial connections of the Carleton family from their early origins in Yorkshire, England, to their establishment in New England. This detailed genealogical study begins with Edward Carleton, who immigrated to the United States in the 17th century, and spans multiple generations detailing their contributions and roles within their communities. Published in Auburndale, Massachusetts, this volume serves as a critical resource for descendants and historians alike, offering insights into the family dynamics and migrations … Read more