Biography of John B. Moore

John B. Moore, a prosperous dairy farmer of Plainfield, Sullivan County, N.H., son of Hiram and Ruby (Silloway) Moore, was born in this town, April 9, 1849. His great – grandfather, William Moore, who was a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, emigrated to America early in the eighteenth century, and became one of the first settlers in Pembroke, N.H. He was a Deacon of the Congregational church.

James Moore, son of William, was a native of New Hampshire, but passed the greater part of his life in Vermont as a hard-working farmer. He was a noted tenor singer in his day; and for over thirty years he led the choir at the Congregational church in Thetford, Vt. He married, and reared six children, as follows: Ezra, a prosperous farmer in Vermont, who married a Miss Cutting, and reared a family; Cyrus, who followed the sea; Betsey, who married Timothy Knight, a farmer of Thetford, and had five children; Hiram, who resided in Plainfield; Jerusha, who became the wife of Lyman Cook, of Thetford, and had three sons; and Lucinda, who became Mrs. Durgin, and resided in Thetford.

Hiram Moore, son of James and father of John B. Moore, was born in Thetford, October 20, 1805. Left fatherless at the age of five years, he was reared and educated in Plainfield; and, when old enough to begin life for himself, he was employed as a farm assistant. By practising economy he saved from his earnings in the course of time a sum sufficient to buy a homestead; and, acquiring possession of the Strong farm, he resided there for the rest of his life. He carried on general farming, Hiram Moore died in 1876, and was sincerely mourned by his neighbors and fellow – townsmen. His wife, whose maiden name was Ruby Silloway, was born in Plainfield, October 21, 1804. Her parents were William and Jane (French) Silloway of this town, and her father was a thrifty farmer. She became the mother of nine children, as follows: Mary; Betsey; Fanny, now deceased; Sarah and Sylvia, twins; William; Delia; George; and John B., the subject of this sketch. Mary and Betsey were born in Lincoln, Vt.; and the others were born in Plainfield. Mary married Gardner Gay, of this town. Betsey, who died in 1894, was the wife of Elijah Miller, of Hanover, N.H., late a successful farmer and a prominent citizen, who represented his town in the legislature. They had three children, two of whom are living. Sarah married Atwood Reed, a well-to-do farmer of Plainfield, and has two children. Sylvia, deceased, was the wife of David Kimball, of Lebanon, and had no children. William owned and operated a grist-mill in Meriden, N.H., until his death, which occurred in 1893; and he accumulated considerable property. His wife, Margaret Havens, of Plattsburg, N.Y., died about one year ago, leaving no children. Delia Moore died very young. George, who is a carpenter in Meriden, married Lucretia Havens, a sister of his brother’s wife, and has two children. Mrs. Ruby S. Moore is still living, and is unusually active both physically and mentally for one of her age. She reads the newspapers and magazines without the aid of spectacles, and takes as much interest in every-day topics as do those of a younger generation.

John B. Moore completed his education at the Kimball Union Academy in Meriden, and assisted in carrying on the home farm until he was twenty-one. He then leased a farm for a time; and later, purchasing one of the Spencer farms, he carried it on for eight years, or until buying the Underhill property, where he now resides. He is a practical and industrious farmer, tilling the soil to some extent, but giving his principal attention to the dairy. He is Steward of the grange in this town: Politically, he is a Republican.

Mr. Moore married Elizabeth Pardy, who was born in Plattsburg, N.Y., July 7, 1852, daughter of John Pardy, of that town. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have had two children-Bessie, born April 11, 1876; and Nellie, born in May, 1878, who died in infancy. Bessie Moore attended Kimball Union Academy, and shortly after graduating she married Almener Merrihew, of Plattsburg.

Mr. Moore inherits from his ancestors considerable musical ability, and for several years has sung in the choir of the Congregational church at Meriden. He has in his possession a Bible, which was brought from Ireland by his great-grandfather, and is said to be over two hundred years old, an interesting and valuable family relic and heirloom.


Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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