Biography of Albert Bingham Woodworth

Albert Bingham Woodworth, the Mayor of Concord and a well-known merchant of the city, was born in Dorchester, April 7, 1843, son of George and Louisa (Hovey) Woodworth. His grandfather, Sylvanus Woodworth, born in Lebanon, Conn., who was one of the first settlers of Dorchester, served in the Revolutionary War, and fought at Bunker Hill under General Putnam. The father, also a native of Dorchester, was a man of lofty character and thoroughly respected where he was New Hampshire. He was prominent in the Congregational church, of which he became a member early in life. The mother was a native of Lyme, N.H.

Albert B. Woodworth removed with his parents from Dorchester, N.H., to Hebron, N.H., where he attended the public schools. Subsequently his education was completed at Boscawen Academy. At the age of fifteen years he was employed by D. E. Willard, of Orford, N.H. After entering on his nineteenth year, he managed a country store in Warren, N.H., for four years. For a year, beginning in 1867, he was associated with Cyrus Taylor, of Bristol. In the spring of 1868 he succeeded Parker & Young, of Lisbon, in one of the largest general merchandise stores in Northern New Hampshire, where he continued to do business until 1873. Mr. Woodworth then removed to Concord, N.H., and, with his brother, Edward B., forming the firm Woodworth Brothers, bought out C. C. Webster & Co. Three years later they bought the store of Hutchins & Co., and conducted it for five years under the style of Woodworth, Dodge & Co. Then for the following two years it was carried on by Woodworth, Dow & Co.; and since 1883 the firm name has been Woodworth & Co. A Director of the Parker & Young Manufacturing Company of Lisbon, N.H., since its organization, Mr. Woodworth was elected its President in 1895. He was formerly one of the founders and a Trustee of the Lisbon Savings Bank and Trust Company.

On September 30, 1873, Mr. Woodworth was married to Miss Mary Parker, of Lisbon. He is now the father of three children-Edward K., Grace, and Charles P. Woodworth. In religion Mr. Woodworth is a member and a vestryman of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Concord. In politics he affiliates with the Republican party. He served Concord for four years in the capacity of Alderman; represented it in the State legislature in 1893; and on November 4, 1896, was elected Mayor of the city for two years. Mayor Woodworth is a member of Kane Lodge, F. & A. M., of Lisbon.


Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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