Biography of Albert Bingham Woodworth

Albert Bingham Woodworth, the Mayor of Concord and a well-known merchant of the city, was born in Dorchester, April 7, 1843, son of George and Louisa (Hovey) Woodworth. His grandfather, Sylvanus Woodworth, born in Lebanon, Conn., who was one of the first settlers of Dorchester, served in the Revolutionary War, and fought at Bunker Hill under General Putnam. The father, also a native of Dorchester, was a man of lofty character and thoroughly respected where he was New Hampshire. He was prominent in the Congregational church, of which he became a member early in life. The mother was a native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William C. Hobart

William C. Hobart, a retired carpenter of North Charlestown, Sullivan County, N.H., was born in Hebron, N.H. In early life he went to Unity, where in 1848 he purchased a farm; and he was successfully engaged in farming in that town for twenty years. In 1870 he removed to Charlestown, where he now resides. He is a carpenter by trade, and until late years has done a great deal of building in Charlestown and the vicinity. He holds membership in the Claremont and Charlestown Masonic Lodge, No. 12. He is also a prominent member of the Methodist church, of which … Read more

Biography of Alvah Charles Ferrin

Alvah Charles Ferrin, a retired contractor and builder of Concord, who served in the United States Navy during the Civil War, was born in Plymouth, N.H., August 13, 1835, son of Daniel E. and Mary Jane (Durgin) Ferrin. His father was a native of Hebron, N.H.; and his mother was born in Buxton, Me. On the father’s side he is a descendant of Revolutionary patriots. His education, which was begun in the public schools of Lowell, Mass., where 1841, was completed when he was about sixteen years old in Hebron, N.H., to which they went in 1842. He started in … Read more