Biography of Hon. Alexander J. Horlick

Alexander J. Horlick, vice president of the Horlick Malted Milk Company and therefore active in control of one of Racine’s most important and extensive business enterprises, belongs to that class of representative men whose force lies in close application, initiative and enterprise. He was born in Racine in 1873 and is the elder son of William and Arabella (Horlick) Horlick, further mention of whom occurs elsewhere in this work. He was reared in his native city and after attending the public schools continued his education in Racine College. In early manhood he became connected with the Horlick Malted Milk Company, which had been established by his father and uncle, and applied himself diligently to learning everything possible about the business. He has made steady advancement in the company and is now filling the office of vice president and is bending his energies to administrative direction and executive control. He has wisely used his time, talents and opportunities in developing the business to its present extensive proportions, displaying the same aggressiveness, the same ready recognition of opportunities and keen insight into conditions that have always characterized his father. He has worked his way upward to his present, important position through his own merit and his comprehensive knowledge of all phases of the business.

Mr. Horlick recognizes the duties and obligations as well as the privileges of citizenship and at the solicitation of his fellow townsmen accepted the nomination for mayor of Racine on the republican ticket. He was elected to that office in 1907, served by re-election for a second term. His administration was marked by reform in the city’s business methods and especially in the improvement of the streets and boulevards and the city parks. He placed municipal interests upon a business basis and sought in every way to further the public good. That he accomplished his purpose was shown by the wish of the public that he serve for a third term. He is one of the regents of the University of Wisconsin, having been appointed by Governor Davidson and reappointed by Governor McGovern. He is a member of a number of societies-the American Chemical Society, the Elks, and others, and is also a member of the Masonic order, both York and Scottish rites, and of Tripoli Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.



Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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