Biographical Sketch of Claude Wilber Shimmon

Shimmon, Claude Wilber; real estate; born, Allegheny, Pa., Dec. 31, 1878; son of John C. and Elizabeth McLaughlin Shimmon; educated, public grade and High School, Cleveland; A. B., Western Reserve University, 1901; Cleveland Law School, 1904; married, Bedford, O., Sept. 22, 1905, Florence A. Prestage; issue, two daughters; 1 and 4 years old; Republican; member City Council, 1910-1911, for Ward 18; member Cleveland Improvement League, and The Miles Ave. Civic League; 1901-1905, real estate salesman with The Van De Boe-Hager Co.; 1905, salesman The American Book Co.; asst. sales mgr. The West Madison Realty Co; 1906, real estate broker, 1907-1912, sales mgr. The Cain Realty Co.; gen. agt. The Citizens Trust & Guaranty Co., security bonds; 1907-1912, member Cleveland Real Estate Board, Cleveland Board of Surety Underwriters, Cleveland Credit Mens Ass’n; member College Fraternity, A 1 M, Newburg Lodge, F. & A. Masons, Standard Lodge No. 46, K. of P.; pres. of The Pythian Association of Cuyahoga County. Recreations: Motoring, Music and Athletics.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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