Biographical Sketch of Col. John Fraser

Col. John Fraser, second chancellor of the University of Kansas and state superintendent of public instruction, earned his military title and became widely known as an educator, while a citizen of Pennsylvania. He was born in Cromarty, Scotland, about 1823; graduated with high mathematical honors from the University of Aberdeen and thereafter spent several years in the Bermudas as a teacher. Coming to the States he conducted several private schools in New York and Pennsylvania, and then held the chair of mathematies at Jefferson College for seven years from 1855, during which period he raised money for the first telescope … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter R. Horning

Horning, Walter R.; electric engineer and mfg.; born, Allegheny, Pa., Sept. 2, 1882; son of Charles F. and Anna M. Walter Horning; educated, common schools, Howe Military Academy (Military degree), Case School Applied Science, special and electrical course; married. Cleveland, Sept. 2, 1908, Leoy May Oakley; Sergt. Maj. 5th Regiment, O. N. G., 1910-1912; first technical position held as electrical engineer The Williams Telephone & Mfg. Co.; afterwards road erector for Electric Controller & Mfg. Co., and in 1906, started the business of which he is now the pres., The Horning Electric & Mfg. Co.; pres. and treas. member American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Walter Cunningham

Cunningham, Edward Walter; civil engineer; born, Allegheny, Pa., March 14, 1872; son of Robert H. and Virginia R. Loy Cunningham; educated, public schools and Ohio State University (civil engineer, class 1894); married, Ripley, W. Va., Oct. 10, 1900, Daisy R. Robinson; issue, Odell Virginia; structural draftsman to 1895; construction supt. 1895-1898; junior engineer, corps of engineers, U. S. army, April, 1898, to November, 1899; supt. construction to 1900; structural and bridge engineer 1900 to 1904; asst. engineer, American Bridge Co. 1904 to 1907; with Vorce Engineering Co. to 1909; asst. engineer Osborn Engineering Co. to 1912; asst. inspector of buildings, … Read more

Biography of Thomas L. McFarlane

Thomas L. McFarlane, one of the oldest and most expert miners on the Pacific coast, was born in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, in January 1840. Meeting with financial reverses by which he lost his property, Mr. McFarlane’s father moved with his family to Iowa when Thomas was four years of age. He died in that State some twelve years ago. In 1859 Mr. McFarlane drove six yoke of oxen across the plains for a company who were freighting for the United States Government from Fort Leavenworth to Salt Lake. The train was composed of thirty wagons and thirty-six men, and the … Read more

Biography of Edward H. Moffitt

Edward H. Moffitt, secretary and treasurer of the Coeur d’Alene Hardware Company, of Wallace, Idaho, is numbered among the native sons of the Keystone state, his birth having occurred in Allegheny City, August 22, 1845. His parents were Rev. Thomas and Maria L. (Patterson) Moffitt. The father was born in Pennsylvania in 1818, and for many years devoted his energies to the work of the ministry in connection with the Methodist Episcopal church. His death occurred in 1878, when he had reached the age of sixty years. His wife, who was born in Pennsylvania, in 1818, is now a resident … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Claude Wilber Shimmon

Shimmon, Claude Wilber; real estate; born, Allegheny, Pa., Dec. 31, 1878; son of John C. and Elizabeth McLaughlin Shimmon; educated, public grade and High School, Cleveland; A. B., Western Reserve University, 1901; Cleveland Law School, 1904; married, Bedford, O., Sept. 22, 1905, Florence A. Prestage; issue, two daughters; 1 and 4 years old; Republican; member City Council, 1910-1911, for Ward 18; member Cleveland Improvement League, and The Miles Ave. Civic League; 1901-1905, real estate salesman with The Van De Boe-Hager Co.; 1905, salesman The American Book Co.; asst. sales mgr. The West Madison Realty Co; 1906, real estate broker, 1907-1912, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Richey Horner

Horner, James Richey; physician; born at Tarentum, Pa., June 7, 1861; son of Rev. Joseph and Caroline McCracken Horner; graduated, Pittsburg Central High School; M. D., Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland, 1883; M. D., New York Homeopathic Medical College, 1884; M. D., Western Reserve University, 1907; (hon. A. M., Allegheny College, Pa., 1885); resident surgeon Ward’s Island (N. Y.), Homeopathic Hospital, 1884; physician, 1885, and later staff obstetrician, Homeopathic Hospital, Pittsburg; general practice, Pittsburg and Allegheny, until 1896; abroad seven months, 1896; assistant to Hughlings Jackson, neurologist Queen’s Square Hospital, London; special study diseases of nervous system; asst. physician, staff of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paul H. Anthony

Anthony, Paul H.; contractor; born, Pennsylvania, 1876; son of William M. and Sarah Chambers Anthony; educated, public and high school, supplemented by private tutors, also experimental and research work; married, Allegheny, Pa., 1901, Gertrude E. Cox; issue, three children; military service in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War and Philippine insurrection; pres. The Standard Structural Co., Cleveland, and same Co., Canada; pres. The Hindman-Henderson Co. of Penn.; manager or director in allied contracting companies covering various fields of construction; member American Society Engineering Contractors.