Biography of R. L. Gordon

R. L. Gordon, the popular and efficient Mayor of Ochelata and a member of one of the prominent pioneer families of Oklahoma, was born just across the boundary line, in Kansas, April 4, 1891, his parents being W. H. and Sarah (Bolen) Gordon, the former a native of Kentucky, while the latter was born in Texas. The father journeyed, overland from Kentucky to Missouri and from that state made three round trips to Texas, also going by the over land route. He became a pioneer of Indian Territory and is now residing in Ochelata, where lie follows the carpenter’s trade, having reached the age of fifty-four, while his wife is fifty-two years of age.

In the acquirement of an education R. L. Gordon attended school at Coffeyville, Kansas, and later at Bartlesville and Ochelata, Oklahoma. On starting out in the business world he engaged in teaming in the oil fields, later becoming district superintendent of the Indian Territory Illuminating Oil and Gas Company, which position he capably filled for ten years. He then worked as a tool dresser for various companies, continuing active along that line until the 1st of October, 1920, when he embarked in business on his own account, opening the Mission Billiard Parlor in Ochelata, which is conducted on a strictly moral basis. He devotes but little of his time’ to the business, employing a capable manager to look after his interests, for his attention is concentrated upon municipal affairs. On the first Tuesday in April, 1921, Mr. Gordon was elected Mayor of Ochelata and is doing effective service for the public good, seeking earnestly to advance the interests and promote the up-building of Ochelata. He is a stanch champion of the good roads movement and is doing all in his power to improve the public highways of the state.

On the 8th of March, 1912, Mr. Gordon was united in marriage to Miss Dessie Doty, a native of Missouri, and four children have been born to them : Finney Willard and Wilma Winnie, twins, the latter deceased; Alfred Rex, and Dempsey Roswell. Fraternally Mr. Gordon is identified with the Masonic order, exemplifying in his life the beneficent teachings of the craft. He has always been loyal to any cause which he espouses and faithful to every duty and his record as a man and a citizen is an enviable one.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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