Biography of S. T. Wyckoff

One of the alert and enterprising business men of Lenepah is S. T. Wyckoff, who was born in Canton, Illinois, on the 8th of October, 1858, a son of H. C. and Eliza (Powelson) Wyckoff. At the age of twelve years he removed to Kansas with his parents and his brother H. C., and the father engaged in mercantile business at Howard and Langton for many years. He achieved more than substantial success in that enterprise and lived in retirement for a few years before his demise, which occurred in 1885. Mrs. Wyckoff died in Langton, Kansas, in 1883.

S. T. Wyckoff received his education in the public schools of Texas and in 1882 removed to Indian Territory, locating near Choteau. For two years he engaged in the cattle business there and then removed to Lenapah, where he has since resided. In. 1898 he started in the livery business here but after three years converted his establishment into a garage. He sells gas and oil and does a taxi business. He has built up a large patronage and is conceded one of the representative business men of Lenepah. From 1889 to 1895 he was deputy United States marshal, serving under Colonels Thomas B. Neeles and J. J. McAlister, and he had many thrilling experiences, at one time having his horse shot from under him while pursuing a notorious gunman. He did, however, take the man prisoner. He has been deputy sheriff of Lenepah for the past two years and a member of the city council for several years.

In 1882 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Wyckoff and Miss Susie Jackson of Iowa, her parents having come to this state at an early day. They have an adopted son, Frank, who is married and living at Bartlesville. He is connected with the Empire Company there. During the World war he was stationed at various training camps in this country but the armistice was signed before he got overseas.

Mr. Wyckoff has many friends in Nowata County who appreciate his true personal worth and many sterling characteristics, and he has the esteem and confidence of his fellowmen in Lenepah. He is a public-spirited citizen who always has the best interests of the community at heart, and his aid may always be counted upon in the up building of the community.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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