Washington DC Frontier Forts Prior to 1902

Armory Square General Hospital, D. C. – Washington.

Baker Fort, D. C. – On the Eastern Branch, near Washington.
Barclay Camp, D. C. – Columbia College.
Barnes General Hospital, D. C – At Soldiers’ Home.
Barry Camp, D. C. – Near Bladensburg Tollgate.
Battle Ground National Cemetery, D. C – Near Soldiers’ Home.
Bayard Fort, D. C. – Near Tennallytown.
Bunker Hill, Fort, D. C. – Near Washington; about 2 miles east of the Soldiers’ Home.

Cadwallader Camp, D. C. – At Kalorama Heights.
Caldwell Camp, D. C. – At Washington.
Cameron Battery, D. C. – One mile above Georgetown.
Campbell General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.
Carroll Fort, D. C. – One mile southeast of Giesboro Point.
Carver General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.
Chain Bridge, Battery at, D. C. – Above Georgetown.
Chaplin Fort, D. C. – One mile southeast of Bennings Bridge.
Cliffburn Barracks, D. C. – At Mount Pleasant, Washington.
Cochran Camp, D. C. – At Washington.

Davis Fort, D. C. – East of the Eastern Branch.
De Russy, Fort, D. C. – Two miles northeast of Tennallytown.
Desmares General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.
Douglas General Hospital, D. C – At Washington.
Duncan Camp D. C. – Eastern section of Washington
Du Pont Fort, D.C. – Two miles southeast of Washington

Emory General Hospital, D.C. – At Washington

Fenton Camp, D. C. – At Washington.
Finley General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.
Fry Camp, D. C. – At Washington.

Gaines Fort, D.C. – Defense of Washington
Good Hope Fort, D.C. – Name changed to Fort Wagner
Graham Camp, D.C. – Four miles north of Washington
Greble Fort, D. C- Two miles South of Giesboro Point.
Greenleafs Point, Defenses at, D. C- Now Washington Barracks.

Harewood General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.
Harlan Camp, D. C. – Seventh Street Road, Washington.

Jameson Battery, D. C. – On Eastern Branch of the Potomac.
Jersey Camp, D. C. – On Meridian Hill, Washington.
Judiciary Square General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.

Kalorama General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.
Kearny Fort, D. C. – Near Tennallytown
Kemble Battery, D. C. – Near Chain Bridge.
Keystone Camp, D.C. – Near Tennallytown
Kingsbury Battery, D. C. – Two miles northeast of Tennallytown.

Lincoln General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.
Lincoln Fort, D. C. – Near Bladensburg, Maryland

Mahan Fort, D. C. – Near Washington.
Massachusetts Fort, D. C. – Near Washington.
Meagher Camp, D. C. – Near Washington.
Meigs Fort, D. C. – East of the Eastern Branch.
Morris Battery, D. C. – Defenses of Washington.
Mount Pleasant General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.

Parrott Battery, D. C. – Potomac River, above Georgetown.
Pennsylvania Fort, D. C. – Northeast of Tennallytown.

Rapp Camp, D. C. – At Kendall Green, Washington.
Record General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.
Relief Camp, D. C. – At Washington.
Reno Fort, D. C. – Northeast of Tennallytown.
Ricketts Fort, D. C. – East of the Eastern Branch.
Rossell Battery, D. C. – Near Tennallytown.

St. Elizabeth General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.
Saratoga Fort, D. C. – Near Washington.
Scott or Martin Scott Battery, D.C. – Near Chain Bridge.
Scott Winfield Camp, D. C. – Franklin Square.
Sedgwick Barracks, D. C. – In Washington.
Seminary General Hospital, D. C. – At Georgetown.
Sill Battery, D. C. – On Bock Creek.
Simmons Fort, Maryland – Near Tennallytown, D. C.
Slemmer Fort, D. C. – One-half mile east of Soldiers Home.
Slocum Fort, D. C. – Three miles north of Washington City.
Smead Battery, D. C- Two miles northwest of Tennallytown.
Snyder Fort, D. C. – Near the Insane Asylum.
Soldiers’ Home National Cemetery, D. C. – At Soldiers’ Home.
Sprague Camp, D.C. – At Washington
Stanton Fort, D. C. – Near Uniontown.
Stanton General Hospital, D. C. – At Washington.
Stevens Fort, D. C. – Three miles north of Washington.
Stone General Hospital, D. C- At Washington.
Stoneman Camp, D. C. – At Giesboro Point.
Stoneman Camp, D. C. – On Meridian Hill.
Sullivan Camp, D. C. – At Washington.

Tesnnally Camp, D. C. – At Tennallytown,
Terrill Battery, D. C. – One and one-half miles northeast of Tennallytown.
Thayer Fort, D. C. – One and one-half miles southwest of Bladensburg, Maryland.
Totten Fort, D. C. – Two and one-half miles north of Washington.

Vermont Battery, D. C. – Defenses of Washington.

Forts, History,

War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Returns Division. List of Military Posts Etc. Established in the United States from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1902.

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