Biography of Charles L. Green

CHARLES L. GREEN. – The farmers and stockmen and orchardists of Union county are a prosperous class of people and are noted for their enterprise and progressive methods, while the wealth of the county that has been produced by these industrious people is sufficient comment for their ability and thrift. As one of the substantial ones among this class we may mention the gentlman whose name is above, and who deserves a place in any record of the county’s leading men.

Charles L. was born in Knox county, Illinois, on August 16, 1856, being the son of Ezra and Mary A. (Ostrom) Green, farmers of that vicinity. In the spring of 1861, the parents left their Illinos home to try the fortunes of California, going thither by wagon across the dreary plains where dwelt hardship and danger. Arriving in the Sacramento valley in due time, they remained there but one year and turned again toward the east, settling in southwestern Missouri. At this place in 1866 the father passed from the labors of this life to the realities of another. In Jasper county, Missouri our subject attended the district schools and there received his educational discipline, remaining as one of the family circle until 1870, when he engaged for wages on a farm, continuing this service for about eight years. Then he rented a farm for himself, and in 1882 set his face to the west once more, coming this time to Wallowa county, whence his mother and brother had preceded him by three years. He took up a homestead nine miles north from Enterprise, on Trout creek, and assiduously went to work to open a farm and build a home. He engaged in general farming and stock raising until February, 1897, and then sold out and came to Union county. Here he purchased his present place of eighty acres, eight miles north of Cove, and has devoted his attention to farming and fruit raising. He has been prospered and is accumulating a good portion of this world’s goods. He has a place that shows thrift and industry and skillful management.

The marriage of Mr. Green and Miss Margaret E., daughter of Jackson and Marinda (Richardson) Wright, was solemnized on June 7, 1893, and to them have been born four children as follows: Mary M., Bertha M., Fanny H., and Lillie B. Mr. Green is a substantial, capable, upright, skillful and enterprising citizen, adding to the wealth of the county by his industry, and contributing to the advancement of the same by his activity and interest in the welfare of its progress and upbuilding.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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