Biographical Sketch of George A. Hickey

This successful and intelligent stockman resides one-fourth of a mile from Juntura and in company with M. A. Masterson owns a fine quarter of land which they devote to raising hay for cattle of which they have one hundred head, besides other stock. In his walk Mr. Hickey has been up-right, capable, and always on the side of movements and issues which make for advancement and development of the country, being a capable albs worthy man. George A. was born in Arkansas, on March 18, 1864, and there received his education and grew to manhood. It was when he had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Smith

Among the substantial and enterprising citizens of Malheur County is to be mentioned the gentleman whose name is at the head of this article. He is a man of uprightness and has labored here with energy and skill for many years in the endeavor to bring this section into a state of development and also to enhance the condition of his own exchequer. Mr. Smith was born in Carter County, Kentucky, on November 16, 1836, being the son of Clayborn and Cloa (Ludi) Smith. He went with his parents to Rudolph County, Arkansas, and soon removed there to Lawrence County, … Read more

Biography of Robert M. Divin

This venerable citizen and esteemed gentleman and resident of Vale is one of the substantial men of Malheur County and is well and favorably known throughout the precincts of this region, being a man of stanch integrity, and always manifesting those qualities of worth and merit that redound to the good of all. Mr. Divin was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, on December 17, 1831, being the son of Irbin F. and Hannah Divin. The father died when our subject was two years of age, having removed with the family to Washington County, Arkansas, where the death occurred. There were … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James T. Simmons

Among the arrivals in Harney county who have come from native places to identify themselves with this progressive region, we must not fail to mention the gentleman whose name is at the head of this article and who has wrought here with untiring energy and unflagging zeal in the line of stock raising, and in addition now handles the mail and stage line from Diamond to Andrews. Mr. Simmons was born in Berryville, Arkansas, on March 22, 1862, being the son of Isaac and Sarah Simmons. He grew up on a farm and received his education from the public schools … Read more

Biography of Major Harry Sturgeon Crossen, M.D.

Major Harry Sturgeon Crossen, whose military title was won by active service in the World war and who is recognized as an eminent gynecologist of St. Louis, while his contributions to medical literature are rated as of high worth, was born in Appanoose county, Iowa, February 2, 1869. His father, the late James Crossen, was of Irish descent, the family, however, being founded in America at an early day. James Crossen devoted his life to merchandising and passed away in 1874. He married Affinity Sturgeon, who was of English lineage, although the family has long been represented on this side … Read more

Biography of Maj. R. B. Weaver

The facility with which the American soldier laid down the implements of war, at the close of the great conflict between the Northern and Southern States, and adapted himself to the pursuits of civil life, has been the wonder of all nations, and scarcely less surprising than gratifying to the American people themselves. While not a few very profound citizens of the republic were speculating as to what was to become of the thousands of men mustered out of the armies, the question was solved by the ex-soldiers themselves, who quietly stepped into the ordinary walks of life, bent the … Read more

Biography of J. F. Davis

Prominent among the names which give strength and importance to the town of Powell, Arkansas, as a thriving trade center, is that of J. F. Davis, well known as a successful dry goods merchant. He has by his energy, honesty and close attention to business, built up a large trade and is regarded as a leader in his line in Marion County. An average stock of goods valued at $2,000 is carried, and is well selected to meet the demands of the public, and an annual business of from $9,000 to $10,000 is done. He was born in the Palmetto … Read more

Biography of Henry McMillan

HENRY MCMILLAN. This gentleman has been a resident of Arkansas since 1826, and a resident of Boone County since 1835. He was born in Smith County, Tennessee, December 19, 1814, being one of a family of ten children born to Malcom and Joanna (Jacobs) McMillan, who were born and brought up in North Carolina, and removed to Smith County, Tennessee, in 1805. The father died in Boone County, Arkansas, in 1837, and his widow in 1872. The father was a soldier under General Jackson, in the battle of New Orleans, in the War of 1812; in politics a Democrat, and … Read more

Biography of J. W. Brady

J. W. BRADY. This successful tiller of the soil is a Georgian by birth, and first saw the light of day June 19, 1843, his parents being Hiram J. and Charity (Cook) Brady, a notice of whom is given in the sketch of James P. Brady. J. W. Brady was given the advantages of the common schools of his native State, and on his father’s farm obtained a practical knowledge of agriculture. In April, 1861, he enlisted in the Second Georgia Infantry, in which he held the office of sergeant, and with which he served until the surrender, being with … Read more

Biography of Col. Eli Dodson

COL. ELI DODSON. This gentleman is the intelligent, trustworthy and efficient county and probate judge of Boone County, Arkansas, and in his official capacity has comported himself with dignity, good sound judgment and judicial fairness. He has resided in the county since 1881, but has been a resident of northwest Arkansas since 1852, whither he came from Madison County, Arkansas, in 1834. He was born on his father’s farm in White County, Tennessee, May 22, 1828, the only child of Eli and Mary (Goad) Dodson, the former of whom was born in Virginia in 1798, a son of William Dodson, … Read more

Biography of William C. McEntire

WILLIAM C. MCENTIRE. This substantial citizen owes his nativity to the Old North State, where he was born February 5, 1838, a son of Champion and Sarah (Waters) McEntire, both of whom were born in North Carolina in 1806, and on January 10, 1846, landed in Yellville, Arkansas, in which place they lived for one year prior to moving to Bruno. They purchased a claim near this place, and here made their home until the father’s death, March 2, 1879. He was a Union sympathizer during the war, and at that time was a resident in Greene County, Missouri After … Read more

Biography of J. H. Adair

J. H. ADAIR. This gentleman was born in Independence, Autauga County, Ala., on March 3, 1828. His father was James Adair, born in Morgan County, Ga., in 1806, a successful merchant in Alabama for ten years, then a farmer of Talladega, Ala., until August 5, 1845, when he died, leaving a widow and nine children-five sons and four daughters. His widow, Sarah Adair, remained there until after the late war, when she returned to Georgia, where she now resides in Gainesville, and is in her eighty-fifth year. Her maiden name was Sarah Dean. She was born February 19, 181O, in … Read more

Biography of Hon. Benjamin F. Williamson

HON. BENJAMIN F. WILLIAMSON. A man’s life-work is the measure of his success, and he is truly the most successful man who, turning his powers into the channel of an honorable purpose, accomplishes the object of his endeavor. In the study of every man’s life we find some main-spring of action, something that he lives for, and in Benjamin F. Williamson it seems to have been an ambition to make the best use of his native and acquired powers and develop in himself a true manhood. He was born in Moore County, N. C., near Carthage, in 1856, to William … Read more

Biography of John Percy Campbell

JOHN PERCY CAMPBELL. The subject of this sketch is a son of Samuel P. Campbell, a native of North Carolina, who removed to middle Tennessee when quite a young man and resided there until 1868, when he removed to Stoddard County, Missouri; from there he moved to Ripley County in 1871. He served as corporal in Company C, Sixth Tennessee Cavalry, in the Union Army, during the late war. He is still hale and hearty, though having reached his threescore years and ten, and resides with his good wife near Gatewood, Missouri, where they are surrounded by a large circle … Read more

Biography of George W. Pearcy

GEORGE W. PEARCY. Ability, when backed by enterprising business measures and progressive ideas, will accomplish more than any other professional or commercial requirement. An illustration of this is found in the mercantile establishment owned and conducted by George W. Pearcy at Thornfield, MO. This gentleman was born in Platte County, Missouri, in 1848, but his parents, William H. and Jane (Henry) Pearcy, were born in Kentucky in 1813 and Indiana in 1818, respectively. After their marriage, which occurred in Indiana, they came to Platte County, Missouri, later removed to Dallas County, and when the subject of this sketch was four … Read more

Biography of C. C. Hudson

C. C. HUDSON. Many of the most active and enterprising residents of Newton County are natives of the same, and have here spent the greater part of their lives. In them we find men of true loyalty to the interests of this part of the State who understand as it were by instinct the needs, social and industrial, of this vicinity, and who have a thorough knowledge of its resources. They are, therefore, better adapted to succeed here than a stranger could be and are probably without exception warmly devoted to the prosperity of their native place. Mr. C. C. … Read more

Biography of Jesse N. Nelson

JESSE N. NELSON. The business in which Jesse N. Nelson is engaged is a most important one, and he has found that since engaging in it his time has been fully occupied. He is the proprietor of a mill and cotton-gin at Buford and as a means of livelihood he has found that this occupation has been reasonably successful. He is a native of Pontotock (now Lee) County, Miss.. born February 8, 1858, a son of William and Martha (Carter) Nelson, both of whom were born in Mississippi, and were there reared, educated and married. In 1870 they removed to … Read more

Biography of Preston A. C. Wallace

PRESTON A. C. WALLACE. An active and progressive system in any profession or line of business, when based upon principles of honor, is sure to bring success, and an illustration of prominence gained through these means is seen in the record of Preston A. C. Wallace, of Heber, Arkansas He was born in Williamson County, Tennessee, in 1841, and is a son of Alfred F. and Ann (Moore) Wallace, who were born in Alabama, from which State they moved to Tennessee, thence to Arkansas in 1841, locating in Independence County. The father died there in 1848, after which his widow … Read more

Biography of James Augustus Carter

JAMES AUGUSTUS CARTER. This gentleman is the able and efficient editor of the Baxter County Citizen, a paper published in the interests of the section and of the Democrat party. It is a breezy, spicy sheet and from its columns something useful and interesting may always be gleaned, especially in the editorial department, for Mr. Carter is a forceful and elegant writer and does not hesitate to give his unbiased opinion of all matters of public interest. He is a native of Pontotoc County, Miss., where he was born October 30, 1858, a son of Benjamin F. and Mary C. … Read more

Biography of N. J. McBride

N. J. McBRIDE. With the advance of time, civilization, wealth and population, it becomes necessary that a large number of men should turn their attention to the general mercantile business and make the wants of their patrons their constant thought and study. A gentleman who is engaged in this line and whose reputation for intelligence and integrity materially adds to his success, is N. J. McBride, whose principal place of business is in the town of Marshall, although he is also the owner of well-conducted establishments at Springtown and Snow Ball. He was born in Yell County, Arkansas, September 2, … Read more