This successful and intelligent stockman resides one-fourth of a mile from Juntura and in company with M. A. Masterson owns a fine quarter of land which they devote to raising hay for cattle of which they have one hundred head, besides other stock. In his walk Mr. Hickey has been up-right, capable, and always on the side of movements and issues which make for advancement and development of the country, being a capable albs worthy man.
George A. was born in Arkansas, on March 18, 1864, and there received his education and grew to manhood. It was when he had arrived at the age of twenty that he went west, visiting Colorado first. Thence he migrated to Idaho and later made his way into the John Day country, in this state. He worked for wages there for some time, and then came to Malheur County. He took a preemption four miles west from where he now lives, and later sold it, and bought the estate mentioned above.
Mr. Hickey takes an active part in politics as occasion leads, and is well esteemed by all and stands high in the community and wherever he is known.