Biography of C. C. Hudson

C. C. HUDSON. Many of the most active and enterprising residents of Newton County are natives of the same, and have here spent the greater part of their lives. In them we find men of true loyalty to the interests of this part of the State who understand as it were by instinct the needs, social and industrial, of this vicinity, and who have a thorough knowledge of its resources. They are, therefore, better adapted to succeed here than a stranger could be and are probably without exception warmly devoted to the prosperity of their native place. Mr. C. C. Hudson, a successful farmer and stockraiser of Jackson Township, Newton County, Arkansas, was born in this county, in 1858, and is a son of Samuel and Nancy (Billah) Hudson, both natives of Tennessee, the former born about 1811, and the later in 1818.

When about seven years of age the father was brought by his parents to Lawrence County, Arkansas, and he there grew to mature years, married and made his home until 1832, when he came to what is now Newton County, Arkansas He cut his way through the unbroken forest, then inhabited by Indians and wild animals, and located on the creek that bears his name, three miles above Jasper, where he was the first white settler. He became one of the wealthiest and best known citizens of the county, and followed farming and stockraising exclusively until 1860, when he built a grist mill above Mount Parthenon. This he operated until 1873, when he built a mill where Matlock’s Mill now stands, and conducted this for eight years, or until his death in 1881. In connection he followed farming and merchandising. In 1856 he represented Newton County in the Legislature, and in 1861 he was elected to the Confederate Legislature to fill a vacancy. For a number of years he was commissioner of public buildings of Newton County prior to the war. Socially he was a Royal Arch Mason and politically a Democrat, having affiliated with that party all his life. In religion he affiliates with the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and is a man who is interested in all that pertains to the public welfare.

Mr. Hudson was an expert marksman and delighted in hunting, thus assisting materially in clearing the country of the wild animals once so numerous. His greatest day hunting was when he killed four bears and five deer. After he had first settled in the country he had an experience with a panther which he did not soon forget. He and his eldest son, then but a young lad, went into the woods about two miles from the house to cut down a bee tree. Mr. Hudson had just begun work when, happening to glance up the ravine, he saw an immense panther gliding along. He waited until the animal was within a few yards of him and then thinking he could kill it with a rock, threw three or four times but missed it. Each time the panther would jump and snap at the stones, but as yet he had not observed Mr. Hudson. The latter made a slight noise to attract its attention and was successful. It stood still for an instant gazing at him, seemed about ready to spring, and Mr. Hudson grasped his ax ready to meet it. Slowly the panther approached, its long tail waving from side to side, and after crouching for a moment launched itself through the air and on Mr. Hudson, seizing the latter’s head in its jaws. Mr. Hudson dealt it a desperate blow but the ax slipped from his hands and did not touch the animal. He pushed the panther from his head and a desperate struggle took place. He had a knife in his pocket, but could not reach it but fortunately he had brought a butcher knife, a thing he had never done before, this the boy handed him. It was his last chance and he plunged it time after time into the side of the animal before it loosened its hold and fell dead. Mr. Hudson’s arms and body were severely lacerated and he came near bleeding to death. The panther was one of the largest of its kind ever killed in the section, measuring nine feet from nose to end of tail.

Mr. Hudson’s own brothers and sister were named as follows: Andrew J., who died in this county; William Carroll, died in Johnson County, Arkansas, and Rentha, who married Samuel Bellah, of Lawrence County, Arkansas Mr. Hudson had several half brothers and sisters. Mrs. Hudson was but an infant when brought by her parents to Lawrence County, Arkansas, and there she was reared principally. Very little is known of her parents but her mother was killed by a falling tree. Mrs. Hudson died in 1873. She was the mother of thirteen children, viz., Mary, wife of Israel Clem, died in Montana; Carroll of Wyoming, went to California in 1857, and our subject never saw him; Letha of California, is the wife of S. W. Kelley; James J.; Reuben, served in the Confederate Army two years, and was killed while in service; Cynthia, died young; John, deceased; Levi, died young; Allen, of this county; Andrew J., also of this county; and our subject. A son and daughter died in infancy.After the death of his first wife Mr. Hudson married a Mrs. Blackwood, and three children were born to them: Samuel, Cyrus and Matilda who died young.

The original of this notice was reared on the farm in this county, two miles above where he now lives, and educated in the home schools and at Marble, Madison County and Bellefonte, Boone County. In the year 1880 he was married to Miss Nancy Blackwood, daughter of William and Sarah Blackwood, who came from Georgia, to Newton County, Arkansas, before the war. In this county the father was killed in war times, while at home. He was a Federal soldier. Mrs. Hudson was a native of Newton County, Arkansas By her marriage she became the mother of six children: Letha Ann, Walter, Oliver, Matilda (deceased), Harvey and Mattie B. Since his marriage Mr. Hudson has lived on his present farm of 180 acres, one of the best in the county. He has made many improvements and has followed agricultural pursuits all his life. Socially he is a Master Mason,. Buffalo Lodge No. 366, and is past worshipful master, etc. In 1880 and 1884 he was a delegate to the Grand Lodge. He is also a member of E. S. Chapter No. 21. In his political views Mr. Hudson is a stanch Democrat, and in his religious views a Baptist. Mr. Hudson belongs to one of the oldest families of this entire region and his father experienced all the hardships of pioneer life.

Our subject’s brother James J., was born in the year 1838. In the month of July, 1861, he enlisted in Company E, Fourteenth Arkansas, Confederate Army, and served two years, or until the fall of Port Hudson, as first sergeant. He fought at Elk Horn, Iuka, and Port Hudson, where he was captured and paroled. He then returned home and remained there until the close of the war. In November, 1863, he was married to Miss Delpha, a native of Tennessee, and the daughter of John and Mary Norris, natives of the Old North State. The parents are now residing in this county. Mrs. James Hudson died in 1878, in full communion with the Baptist Church. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hudson: Dennis; Perry D.; Rentha, wife of C. B. Carlton; and Sereptha, who died when two years of age. In October, 1878, Mr. Hudson married Miss Victoria Boatman, a native of Missouri, and eight children have blessed this union: Dora, Rhoda, Belle, Effie, Oscar Lee, Edna, Pearl and Hugh. Like his brother, our subject, James Hudson is a Mason, Buffalo Lodge No. 366, Jasper Chapter No. 75, and is past worshipful master of Blue Lodge.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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