Slave Narrative of Katie Rowe

Person Interviewed: Katie RoweLocation: Tulsa, OklahomaAge: 88 I can set on de gallery, what de sunlight shine bright, and sew a powerful fine seam when my grandchillun wants a special purty dress for de school doings, but I ain’t worth much for nothing else I reckon. These same old eyes seen powerful lot of tribulations in my time, and when I shets ’em now I can see lots of l’ll chillun jest lak my grand-chillun, toting hoes bigger dan dey is, and dey pore little black hands and legs bleeding whar dey scratched by de brambledy weeds, and whar dey … Read more

Slave Narrative of Chaney Richardson

Person Interviewed: Chaney Richardson Location: Fort Gibson, Oklahoma Age: 90 I was born in the old Caney settlement southeast of Tahlequah on the banks of Caney Creek. Off to the north we could see the big old ridge of Sugar Mountain when the sun shine on him first thing in the morning when we all getting up. I didn’t know nothing else but some kind of war until I was a grown woman, because when I first can remember my old Master, Charley Rogers, was always on the lookout for somebody or other he was lined up against in the … Read more

Slave Narrative of John White

Person Interviewed: John White Location: Sand Springs, Oklahoma Date of Birth: April 10, 1816 Age: 121 Occupation: Yard Worker Of all my Mammy’s children I am the first born and the longest living. The others all gone to join Mammy. She was named Mary White, the same name as her Mistress, the wife of my first master, James White. About my paopy. I never hear his name and I never see him, not even when I was the least child around the old Master’s place ‘way back there in Georgia more’n one-hundred twenty years ago! Mammy try to make it … Read more

Slave Narrative of Easter Wells

Person Interviewed: Easter Wells Location: Colbert, Oklahoma Place of Birth: Arkansas Date of Birth: 1854 Age: 83 I was born in Arkansas, in 1854, but we moved to Texas in 1855. I’ve heard ’em tell about de trip to Texas. De grown folks rode in wagons and carts but de chaps all walked dat was big enuff. De men walked and toted their guns and hunted all de way. Dey had plenty of fresh game to eat. My mother’s name was Nellie Bell. I had one sister, Liza. I never saw my father; in fact, I never heard my mammy … Read more

Slave Narrative of Tom W. Woods

Person Interviewed: Tom W. Woods Location: Alderson, Oklahoma Place of Birth: Florence, Alabama Age: 83 Lady, if de nigger hadn’t been set free dis country wouldn’t ever been what it is now! Poor white folks wouldn’t never had a chance. De slave holders had most of de money and de land and dey wouldn’t let de poor white folks have a chance to own any land or anything else to speak of. Dese white folks wasn’t much better off dan we was. Dey had to work hard and dey had to worry ’bout food, clothes and shelter and we didn’t. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles G. Brown

Brown, Charles G. (See Ward)—Charles G. Brown, born in Texas March 12, 1854, educated at Tullahassee Mission in the Creek Nation. Married at Sauna, Cherokee Nation July 30, 1880, Mary, daughter of William and Lenora Coker, born in Boone County, Ark. January 25, 1865. They are the parents of: Lulu, born December 10, 1881; Quatie, born December 21, 1890; Etta Beatrice, born No­vember 23, 1896; Nannie Lenora, born July 21, 1899 and Debra D., born April 19, 1905. Mr. Brown is farming near Pryor. John Ward, a white man, married Catherine McDaniel of Scotch-Cherokee descent and they were the parents … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. J. H. Gainer

(See Ghigau and Oolootsa)-Cynthia, daughter of Thomas Jefferson and Jennie (Taylor) Pack, married Daniel Harmon and they were the parents of Emma Henrietta, Jennie, Laura, Elizabeth, McGilbra, Benjamin Franklin, and Lena Modesta Harmon. Lena Modesta Harmon was born October 23, 1885, and married Dr. John Harris Games, born April 29, 1870 in Washington County, Arkansas. He graduated from the Memphis Hospital Medical College in 1906, and is at present practicing medicine at Warner, Oklahoma. They are the parents of Daniel Benjamin, born September 26, 1910; Helen Elizabeth, born September 8, 1912 and Dorothy Gaines, born April 28, 1916. Gaines was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leander Woodall

(See Woodall)-Leander, son of James Tuck and Elizabeth (Perdue) Woodall, was born in Delaware District February 8, 1876, educated at Ketchum. Married in Arkansas, February 22, 1906 Jessie, daughter of John L. and Malinda Berry. Mr. Woodall is a farmer near Ketchum, he is a member of the A. H. T. A. which means that he is a supporter of good citizenship.

Treaty of September 28, 1836

Articles of a treaty made and entered into at the treaty ground on the right bank of the Mississippi river in the county of Debuque and Territory of Wisconsin opposite Rock island, on the twenty-eighth day of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, between Henry Dodge commissioner on the part of the United States, of the one part, and the confederated tribes of Sac and Fox Indians represented in general council by the undersigned chiefs, headmen and warriors of the said tribes, of the other part: Whereas by the second article of the treaty made between the United States … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Thomas Fisher

William Thomas Fisher was probably born in Lawrence Co., TN in 1827. I assume that he was part of the Fisher family of William B. Fisher, B. 1768 in VA, who was listed in the Lawrence Co., TN census for 1850. William and Martha married in 1848 in Wayne Co. TN. They probably immigrated to Arkansas about 1854. William’s family is listed in the Searcy County, Arkansas census, living in Bear Creek Township in 1860. Their children born between 1848 and 1860 are: Mary, Sarah, Frances, James, George, and William. Children born after 1860 are: Christopher Columbus, Malinda, Charles and … Read more

Ashley County, Arkansas Census

Ashley County, Arkansas was formed from Chicot, Drew and Union counties in 1848. 1850 Ashley County, Arkansas Census Free 1850 Census Form for your Research Free 1850 Census Images (partially indexed) Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  1850 Census Index 1850 Ashley County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems Hosted at Census Guide 1850 U.S. Census Guide 1860 Ashley County, Arkansas Census Free 1860 Census Form for your Research Free 1860 Census Images and Index Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1860 Ashley County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems Hosted at … Read more

Arkansas County, Arkansas Census

Arkansas became an original county of the state of Arkansas when it was formed in 1813. 1823 Arkansas County, Arkansas Census 1823 Sheriff’s Census 1830 Arkansas County, Arkansas Census Free 1830 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1830 Census Index 1830 Arkansas County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems Hosted at Census Guide 1830 U.S. Census Guide 1840 Arkansas County, Arkansas Census Free 1840 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1840 Census Index 1840 Arkansas County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems … Read more

Biography of Randall Solon Tilles, M. D.

The broad field of medicine offers a wonderful opportunity since science has brought to light so many truths and such broad knowledge that the profession has become highly specialized. Concentrating his efforts upon obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. Randall Solon Tilles has gained a position of prominence in his chosen field. He was born at Fort Smith, Arkansas, March 8, 1883, and is a son of David Tilles, a native of that state and of German descent, the family being founded in America by Solomon Titles, who came to the new world in 1855 and originally settled at Little Rock, Arkansas, … Read more

Biography of Thomas Lowell Mauldin

Thomas Lowell Mauldin, one of the founders and the secretary and treasurer of the Lund-Mauldin Company, Incorporated, was born near Magnolia, Arkansas, March 20, 1873, his parents being Thomas L. and Nancy Catherine (Skinner) Mauldin. The father was born in Hardeman county, Tennessee, and in 1872 went to Arkansas, where his death occurred the following year. He was a farmer by occupation and he served as a soldier of the Confederate army between the ages of seventeen and twenty-one years. His wife was also a native of Hardeman county, Tennessee, and by her marriage became the mother of two children, … Read more

Biography of Edward C. Stuart

Edward C. Stuart, starting upon his banking career as clerk in the First National Bank of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, is now the vice president of the First National Bank of St. Louis, one of the largest and strongest financial institutions of the Mississippi valley. Advancement came to him in recognition of his worth and ability in his chosen field of labor. He has ever made it his purpose thoroughly to master any task entrusted to him and as power grows through the exercise of effort he has become a strong factor in financial circles of his adopted city. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mathew Daugherty

Mathew Daugherty was born September 24, 1839, in the State of Arkansas, third son of James Daugherty. He attended school till he was ten years of age in Texas County, Missouri, after which (in 1849) he moved with his father to Denton County, Texas, where he went to the neighborhood schools till 1854, after which he entered McKenny College, Clarksville, Texas, and in 1857 commenced the study of law, which he continued until the outbreak of the war, when he enlisted in the Choctaw and Chickasaw mounted rifles. After the close of the war he admitted to the bar, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William F. Crabtree

William F. Crabtree was born October 1846, in Lafayette County, Arkansas, and moved to Eufaula in 1873. He was sent to school at Rondo, Arkansas, just before the war, but soon joined the Confederate service, attaching himself to the courier battalion whose headquarters were at Washington, Arkansas. After the war, in May 1866, he married Miss Hattie Carter, daughter to Dr. T. A. Carter, of Ozark, Arkansas, by whom he has four children, Bettie, Hattie, Fount and Anna. The former young lady, aged fourteen years, is by nature an artist, having given convincing proofs of this fact through several oil … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D.G. Ferguson

D. G. Ferguson is a son of James and Emeline (Shepherd) Ferguson. The father was born near Nashville, Tennessee, and when but a boy went with his parents to Henderson County, where be afterward married and made his permanent home. He is a democrat, and in 1861 volunteered in Company A, First Tennessee Confederate Infantry, but after serving one year, was discharged for disability. He owns 200 acres of land in Henderson County, but in 1886 owing to old age, gave up active life, and he and wife moved to Lake County where they reside with their son. They are … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles M. Jones

It is gratifying to be privileged to put in print an epitome of one of the brave men who fought, as did the subject of this sketch for the honor of the stars and stripes and the safety of our free institutions when the foul hand of treason sought to deface all and destroy the homes of freedom. In addition Mr. Jones has always shown himself in the walks of life to be upright and capable and has done a noble part in the advancement and development of the resources of the country. Speaking more particularly of his personal history, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James C. Ford

This well known and enterprising stockman has been a man of frontier life, spending his days since a lad in the various pursuits incident to pioneering, and especially has he been occupied in raising and handling stick, being one of the best posted and most skillful stock men in this County of stock men, and abundant success has been his since he has inaugurated action for himself. Mr. Ford was born in Arkansas, October 15, 1856, being the son of William Ford. His mother died when he was an infant and he was taken by his father to Tennessee and … Read more