Biography of Dr. Berry R. Tubbs

DR. BERRY R. TUBBS. In a comparatively short period Dr. Tubbs has met with unusual success in the practice of that most noble of callings-medicine–and has gained a substantial reputation as a general practitioner with the profession and the public. He was born near Jacksonport, Jackson County, Arkansas, October I. 1849, his parents being Frederick and Harriet (Flan-nery) Tubbs, who came from Wayne County., Tennessee, in their youth and met and married in Arkansas. Frederick Tubbs was a farmer and died when the subject of this sketch was a child, with whom his widow now makes her home. Berry R. … Read more

Biography of Capt. Lewis A. McPherson

CAPT. LEWIS A. McPHERSON. He whose name heads this sketch is a prominent and well-known citizen of Mountain Home Township, and resides in comfort near the town of Mountain Home. He was born in De Kalb County, Ala., October 2, 1840, his parents being William Wilson and Hannah (Palmer) McPherson, who were born in Tennessee and Kentucky, respectively, and in 1844 came to Arkansas from the State of Mississippi, having for some time been a resident of Marion County. At the time of their location in Arkansas, there was but one cabin on the spot where the flourishing town of … Read more

Biography of James W. Stephenson

JAMES W. STEPHENSON. The estate of which this gentleman is the fortunate owner comprises 204 acres on Cave Creek, all of which is remarkably fertile land, well adapted to the purpose of general farming, and well improved with all necessary farm buildings, fences, orchard, etc. Mr. Stephenson owes his nativity to Monroe County, Tennessee, where he first saw the light in 1833, his parents being Andrew R. and Anna (Watson) Stephenson, for further history of whom see the sketch of Dr. J. S. Stephenson. James W. Stephenson was the third of the six children born to his parents, was reard … Read more

Biography of John R. Patterson

JOHN R. PATTERSON. The office of sheriff is one that has been filled by the illustrious head of this Government, and is a position that demands great circumspection, great personal courage and a general and apt intelligence. The county of Cleburne, Arkansas, is fortunate in its choice of its present incumbent, John R. Patterson, who is also county collector and adds to strict integrity the other qualities essential to the thorough discharge of the responsibilities connected with the station. Mr. Patterson was born in Dover, Arkansas, January 16, 1848, his parents being James H. and Civility R. (Bettis) Patterson, the … Read more

Biography of Col. J. N. Coffey

COL. J. N. COFFEY. This worthy old pioneer deserves the most honorable mention within the pages of this volume, for he has ever been a representative of the honorable, industrious and law-abiding class and has done his full share in helping to make Arkansas one of the most favored States in the Union. He was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, April 15, 1819, a son of John and Margaret (Boskin ) Coffey, both of whom were born in South Carolina, the birth of the former occurring in Lancaster District. It is supposed that three brothers of the Coffey family came … Read more

Biography of W. P. Hodges

W. P. HODGES. Probably there is not a man better known in Searcy and adjoining counties than W. P. Hodges, the efficient sheriff and collector of this county. He is an intelligent man of affairs, keeps abreast of the times and has the reputation of being one of the most enterprising and progressive men, as well as one of the most trustworthy and capable county officials, being especially fitted for the offices of sheriff and collector. He was born in the county in which he now resides July 31, 1857, and therefore it is not to be wondered at that … Read more

Biography of Robert W. Harrison Jr.

ROBERT W. HARRISON, JR. This gentleman comes of a good Southern family, and in Maury County, Tennessee, his father, Robert W. Harrison, first saw the light in 1818. He was the only child of his parents,__________ and Elizabeth (Roberts) Harrison, and is a member of the same family as is ex-President Benjamin H. Harrison. He received fair educational advantages in his youth, and in 1841 came to Newton County, Arkansas, and settled on Little Buffalo Creek, one mile above Jasper, where he made his home for about one year. At the end of that time he moved to Boone County, … Read more

Biography of Charles B. Grigsby

CHARLES B. GRIGSBY. One of the old and prominent citizens of Stone County, Arkansas, is Charles B. Grigsby, who has labored for the good of this section for many years, although a native of Monroe County, East Tennessee; he was born in 182S, to James and Margaret (Houston) Grigsby, who were born in the Old Dominion. They were married in Blount County, Tennessee, and made their home there and in Loudon Counties until 1850, when they came to Arkansas, locating in Independence County, eight miles above Batesville and two miles from the White River. While residing in Tennessee, the father … Read more

Biography of James M. Brewer

JAMES M. BREWER. He whose name heads this sketch has been a resident of Searcy County, Arkansas, since 1871, and during that time he has made a comfortable income for himself and family, has shown that he is a man of public spirit, liberal, generous and highminded, and has made numerous warm friends. His birth occurred in Franklin County, Tennessee, September 21, 1833, a son of Zadock and Mary (Brumley) Brewer, who were also born on Tennessee soil, and with them he moved to Arkansas in his boyhood and settled on a farm in Polk County. Later the family moved … Read more

Biography of James P. Brady

JAMES P. BRADY. Agricultural pursuits have formed the chief occupation of this gentleman, and the wide-awake manner in which he has taken advantage of every method and idea tending to the enhanced value of his property has had considerable to do with his success in life. He was born in Georgia February 9, 1847, a son of Hiram J. and Charity (Cook) Brady, of that State, and grandson of Enoch Brady, who was a son of Irish parents and a participant in some of the early wars of the United States. Hiram J. Brady, with his family, emigrated to Arkansas … Read more

Biography of William H. Cecil

WILLIAM H. CECIL. The calling of the merchant is one of the most hon-orable lines of industry, and one of its most worthy exponents at Harrison is William H. Cecil, who is a native of Jasper, Newton County, Arkansas, where he first saw the light of day July 9, 1854. His parents, Riley and Sarah (Harrison) Cecil, were born in Tennessee, and the former was a son of William Cecil, who became a resident of Newton County, Arkansas, during the early history of the county and settled on what is called the Cecil Fork of the Buffalo River. There the … Read more

Biography of Leonard S. Weast

LEONARD S. WEAST. For over forty years this gentleman has been an honored resident of Marion County, Arkansas He was born in Guilford County, N. C., October 26, 1845, a son of Adam and Sophia (Fortune) Weast, who were born and reared in North Carolina and Virginia, respectively. The latter went with her parents to North Carolina, and there she met married Mr. Weast, with whom she moved to Arkansas in 1850, entering land where Yellville is now situated, purchasing also an eighty-acre tract in the valley of Crooked Creek, on which he built a log house which is still … Read more

Biography of Capt. Hampton B. Fanchier

CAPT. HAMPTON B. FANCHIER. The intelligence and ability shown by Capt. Hampton B. Fancher, as a progressive tiller of the soil, and the interest he has taken in the advancement of measures for the good of Boone County, Ark, caused him long since to be classed as one of the leading citizens of his section. The most that he has achieved or gained has come as the result of his own efforts, and he deserves much credit for his industry and enterprise. He is a native Tennesseean, born in Overton County in 1828. The son of James and Elizabeth Carlock … Read more

Biography of J. W. Black

Notwithstanding the fact that Marion County, Arkansas, is well known for its efficient, faithful and energetic county officials, none deserves more honorable recognition than J. W. Black, who is the present incumbent of the county recorder and circuit court clerk’s office. He has made his home in Marion County since 1861, but owes his nativity to the Old North State where he first opened his eyes on the light March 16, 1857. His parents being James and Nancy (Burleson) Black, both of whom were born in North Carolina and came to Arkansas in 1861, locating in Marion County. The father … Read more

Biography of L. T. Cornett

L. T. CORNETT. The name of this gentleman is a familiar one through-out Taney County, Missouri, and is synonymous with the merchandising and farming interests of his section. Since 1876 he has resided in Taney County, and during that period has kept his escutcheon untarnished. Like other representative men of the county, he came originally from Searcy County, Arkansas, his birth occurring on the 27th of November, 1854, comes of good old Virginia stock. His parents, Henry and Malinda (Yowell) Cornett, were natives of Virginia and Tennessee, respectively, the former born in the year 1813. The father moved from his … Read more

Biography of W. A. Greever

W. A. GREEVER. The name of Greever is one of the most influential in Boone County, Arkansas, and is one of the most respected in the community. Mr. Greever deserves special notice for his public spirit and enery, and is now a prominent trader and speculator, and one of the largest land owners in the State. He is a native of the Blue Grass State, born in Adair County in 1836, and is a son of John and Sarah (Williams) Greever, both natives of Virginia. The father was born in the year 1807, and when but a small boy went … Read more

Biography of William S. Mays

WILLIAM S. MAYS. This gentleman is a worthy representative of that honest, industrious and law-abiding class that has helped make America the most favored nation on the face of the globe. He has tilled the soil from his earliest youth, and in addition has devoted considerable attention to merchandising, in both of which occupations he has been quite successful. He is a native of the county in which he is now living, his birth having occurred in 1852, he being the only child born to his parents, John and Emily (Tutt) Mays, who were born in Alabama and Searcy County, … Read more

Biography of Hon. William L. Thompson

HON. WILLIAM L. THOMPSON. This gentleman affords in his life and its success another evidence that industry, economy and integrity constitute the keynote to honorable competency. His walk through life has been characterized by the strictest probity and he has at all times manifested exceptional business ability and foresight. Popular, efficient and faithful would be the verdict passed upon the character and the official standing of Mr. Thompson by any good citizen of Cleburne County of whom the question might be asked, and that he is deserving of these titles is well known. He is a native of the State … Read more

Biography of Dr. James M. Robinson

DR. JAMES M. ROBINSON. This successful old medical practitioner is well known for his genial personality, his ready and kindly sympathy with those who come to him as invalids, and for this reason his clientele is perhaps even larger than would have been attracted by his recognized ability and the success which has attended his efforts. He belongs to that class of physicians who recognize the fact that there is something more than a barren ideality in “ministering to a mind diseased,” or, in other words, that the mental condition of the patient has in many cases much to do … Read more

Biography of William Henry Nelson

WILLIAM HENRY NELSON. Popular, efficient and faithful, such would be the verdict passed upon the character and official standing of our subject by any good citizen of Stone County, Arkansas, of whom the question might be asked. He holds the responsible position of county clerk, and is a public-spirited, law-abiding citizen whom to know is to regard with respect. He is a native of the county in which he now lives, his birth having occurred December 17, 1862, his parents being J. G. B. and Caroline J. (Bishop) Nelson, natives of the Palmetto State, where they were reared and married. … Read more