Biography of Dr. Berry R. Tubbs

DR. BERRY R. TUBBS. In a comparatively short period Dr. Tubbs has met with unusual success in the practice of that most noble of callings-medicine–and has gained a substantial reputation as a general practitioner with the profession and the public. He was born near Jacksonport, Jackson County, Arkansas, October I. 1849, his parents being Frederick and Harriet (Flan-nery) Tubbs, who came from Wayne County., Tennessee, in their youth and met and married in Arkansas. Frederick Tubbs was a farmer and died when the subject of this sketch was a child, with whom his widow now makes her home.

Berry R. Tubbs grew to manhood near Mountain View, where he was initiated into the mysteries of the common branches and acquired a good education. When sixteen or seventeen years of age he commenced farming on the White River and after residing on different places up to 1872 he then decided to turn his talents in the direction of medicine, and with this purpose in view he began fitting himself for this calling under the directions of Drs. Foster and Hughes. At the end of two years he commenced practicing ten miles below Mountain View on the river, but about twelve years ago he removed to Long Creek and shortly after to Timbo. Five years since he commenced selling goods, with James Rise as partner, but in recent years he has conducted this business on his own responsibility and at the same time has kept up his medical practice, at which he has done remarkably well and has built up an extended practice. His mercantile establishment is well stocked with a general line of goods and besides doing an extended business in this line and as a medical practitioner, he is the owner of a fertile and well-conducted farm. July 5, 1868, he led to the altar Miss Nancy Boyd, of this county, by whom he has five sons and two daughters. The Doctor and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, and socially he belongs to the A. F. & A. M. and I.O.O. F. He has for some time served in the capacity of postmaster of Timbo and has at all times shown himself to be a public-spirited and useful citizen.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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