Biography of W. W. Scott

W. W. SCOTT. W. W. Scott who is one of the oldest pioneers of Christian County, Missouri, has attained the advanced age of four-score years and five, for his birth occurred in Tennessee, December 21, 1809. Honorable and upright in every walk of life, his career has been without blot or blemish, and he is one of the best-preserved, physically and mentally, of the men who have reached his age. His father, Thomas Scott, was a native of that grand old State, Virginia, but at an early day migrated to Kentucky, where he married Elizabeth Jones, a native of North … Read more

Biography of Dr. David Perry Martin

DR. DAVID PERRY MARTIN. The most important science bearing upon man’s happiness, comfort and welfare is that of medicine, and as Dr. Martin has ever been a close student, he has attained a wide reputation as a successful practitioner of the “healing art.” He owes his nativity to Maries County, Missouri, where he first saw the light in 1846, his parents being Madison and Anastasia (Perry) Martin, the former of whom was born in St. Louis County, Missouri, in 1812. He is still living and is a citizen of Maries County. His wife was also born in St. Louis County, … Read more

Biography of James Littlefield

JAMES LITTLEFIELD. The subject of this sketch was for a number of years one among the many successful farmers of Baxter County, Arkansas, and is as conspicuous for his outspoken views in sanctioning that which is just and right as in his denunciation of that which he considers unjust and wrong. He is an intelligent citizen, and he wields considerable influence in the affairs of his section. He was born in Spartanburg District, South Carolina, April 4, 1829, a son of Joseph Littlefield, who was also a native of the Palmetto State. He moved to Caldwell County, Kentucky, when his … Read more

Biography of James O. Nicholson

JAMES O. NICHOLSON. The gentleman whose name opens this sketch is the oldest merchant in Boone County, Arkansas, and has given his attention to the business in which he is now engaged in Harrison since 1868. He came to this place with Capt. H. W. Fick, with whom he was in business for about two years, when he became the sole proprietor of the establishment, and has continued as such up to the present time. He carries a large stock of general merchandise, and the building he occupies at the southeast corner of the public square is a two-story structure, … Read more

Biography of Hon. M. T. Brisco

In reviewing the various professional interests of Newton County, Arkansas, the name of M. T. Brisco cannot be ignored, for he is one of her most successful legal lights. Although it is a known fact that, given the ordinary average education and good judgment, any man may make a success in the avenues of trade, yet in the profession of law he must be endowed with superior intelligence and have gone through years of careful study and training to be able to cope with the brilliant minds which do honor to the bench and bar. Mr. Brisco is a gentleman … Read more

Biography of Robert Capps

ROBERT CAPPS. This gentleman has been a resident of this section since 1837, coming thither from St. Louis County, Missouri, where he had settled in 1836. He was born in Mecklenburg County, N. C., February 2, 1820, in which State his parents, Richard and Rachel (Barnhill) Capps, were also born and reared. After their marriage they removed to Tennessee and made a good home for themselves in Grainger County, but in 1836 removed to Missouri, and the following year came to this section of Arkansas. The father became a prominent farmer of Newton County, but was called from life in … Read more

Biography of Matthew Sooter

MATTHEW SOOTER. He whose name heads this sketch is one of the prominent farmers of Searcy County, Arkansas, for he has inherited the love of the calling which has ever characterized his ancestors and has had practical experience in this line from his youth up. His father, Eli Sooter was a Tennesseean, became a resident in Searcy County, Arkansas, in 1825, and until his death was engaged in successfully tilling the soil on Bear Creek. He was called to “that bourne whence no traveler returns ” when the subject of this sketch was about seven years old, and his widow, … Read more

Biography of J. E. Wickersham

J. E. WICKERSHAM. The evolutions in the industrial world and the improved modes of manufacturing things have been marvelous in the past half century, and scarcely an industry exists that has been left untouched by the spirit of reform. The demand of the age is for labor-saving machinery, improved tools and appliances, and short cuts generally to desired ends. The general hardware store is an excellent means of supplying the demand. An excellent establishment of this kind is owned by J. E. Wickersham, of Yellville, of which city he is a native. His parents, James and Narcissus (Hamblet) Wickersham, have … Read more

Biography of J. H. Berry

This gentleman is one of the oldest residents of Marion County, Arkansas, and through his enterprise, energy and push he has done much to make that section the prosperous region that it is. He was born in Washington County, Virginia, April 26, 1824, being the third of eight children born to Samuel and Sarah (Hickey) Berry, the former of whom was born in Washington County, Virginia, in 1796, his parents being William and Elizabeth (Duff) Berry. William Berry was a Virginian also, but his father, John Berry, was a native of the State of New York, and in his day … Read more

Biography of Hon. J. C. Floyd

Hon. J. C. Floyd

The profession of law is a branch of human endeavor which brings into play the most brilliant talents, the most extensive knowledge, the strongest sentiments, moral, spiritual and material, and its power for good or evil is vast and invincible. In the hands of mean men its practices often become as shameful and despised as its adaptions and usefulness are made, by those inspired with noble principles and generous emotions, sublime and admired. As a legal practitioner whose honor is above criticism, whose ability places him in the front rank of the Arkansas bar, and whose name is widely known … Read more

Biography of James M. Risner

JAMES M. RISNER, Among the most intelligent and highly-respected families of Stone County, Ark , we may well note that of which Mr. Risner is the head, for he is one of the substantial citizens of the county, and has a beautiful and fertile farm of 480 acres in the heart of Richwoods Township. He was born in what is now Stone County, October 5, 1853, a son of George and Margaret (Young ) Risner, who were Tennesseans by birth, but who came to Arkansas when still unmarried, and were united in wedlock in what was then Izard, but is … Read more

Biography of Alexander Campbell McCutcheon

ALEX. CAMPBELL McCUTCHEON. Our subject, is an energetic and enlightened farmer and stockraiser of Newton County, Arkansas, and one whose career thus far has been of gratifying success. He is a native of Tennessee, and although that State has produced many excellent citizens, she has contributed to Arkansas none more highly respected than Mr. McCutcheon, who has been a resident of the latter State many years. He is one of the leading farmers of his section and has followed that calling since his earliest boy-hood, being initiated into its mysteries by his father, E. Norris McCutcheon. The latter was a … Read more

Biography of De Roos Bailey

Of the younger element of our prominent, energetic and influential citizens, none are better known than De Roos Bailey, one of the distinguished attorneys of the northwestern part of Arkansas, whose home is at Harrison. During the years that he has practiced his profession here he has shown that he is endowed with superior ability, and his comprehensive knowledge of the law, together with the soundness of his judgment, secured his almost immediate recognition at the bar. Since that time to the present he has so identified himself with the affairs of his section that its history can-not be recorded … Read more

Biography of William M. Garner

WILLIAM M. GARNER. This gentleman is a substantial citizen of Quitman, Arkansas, of which city he has been a resident since 1858. His uncle, W. W. Garner, was the first resident of the town, having located there in 1856. William M. Garner was born in Lawrence County, Arkansas, in 1844, his father, Isaac C. Garner, having been a native of South Carolina. On coming to Arkansas he first located in Jackson County, then moved to Lawrence County and finally settled in Scott County, where he died. He was a farmer and stockraiser and in 1854 took a drove of stock … Read more

Biography of Robert E. Hurst

ROBERT E. HURST. A well-known and prominent citizen of Baxter County, Arkansas, is he whose name heads this sketch. He was born in Franklin County, Ala., December 13, 1845. a son of William R. and Annie (Devaney) Hurst, natives of Burke County, Ga., and Franklin County, Ala., respectively. When a boy William R. Hurst was taken to Alabama by his parents, grew up in Franklin County and there made his home until about 1876, when he came to Baxter County, Arkansas, and located near Lone Rock, where he still resides. He has always been an extensive farmer and is the … Read more

Biography of Dr. John Bolinger

DR. JOHN BOLINGER. In pursuing the very important and noble calling of medicine, Dr. John Bolinger has met with a degree of success that is flattering in the extreme. He has not only shown that he is well posted in his profession, but that he can practically apply his knowledge. As a natural consequence his services have been greatly in demand, and he is kept busy most of the time. The great-grandfather on the father’s side was of German origin and was one of the first settlers of Madison County, Arkansas His son, Frederick Bolinger, grandfather of our subject, came … Read more

Biography of Hon. A. S. J. Lehr

HON. A. S. J. LEHR. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is the present representative of Carter County, Missouri, and he is unquestionably one of the ablest and best posted young men in the same. He resides three and a half miles east of Hunter, this county, is a farmer and teacher, and has for a number of years taken a prominent part in political matters. Born in Jacksonport, Arkansas, January 30, 1867, he is the son of Richard H. and Sarah J. (Hardin) Lehr, and the grandson of John F. Lehr, who came from Germany to the United … Read more

Biography of R. G. Simpson Hatchett

R. G. SIMPSON HATCHETT. In order to perpetuate for coming generations the record of one who was very prominently connected with the growth and development of Searcy County, Arkansas, but who has now passed to his final reward, a brief account of the life of R. G. Simpson Hatchett it placed on the pages of this volume. He was born in Wayne County, Tennessee, in 1837, to King and Nancy (Harris) Hatchett, whom it is supposed were born in Haywood County, Tennessee After their marriage they lived for some years in Wayne County, whence they came to Searcy County, Arkansas, … Read more

Biography of Capt. John C. Rea

CAPT. JOHN C. REA. This gentleman possesses a thorough knowledge of the art of the husbandman and has taken pains to familiarize himself with the latest methods of land cultivation, and the result has not failed to be satisfactory. He was born in Franklin County, Illinois, in 1837, in which State his parents, John K. and Sarah (Arnett) Rea, were born, reared and married, Mrs. Rea died in Franklin County, when John C. was an infant, and Mr. Rea afterward wedded Luticia Dudley, and in 1846 came by wagon to Marion County, Arkansas, locating in the vicinity of Yellville, where … Read more

Biography of W. R. Jones

The subject of this sketch was born in Wayne County, Illinois, December 1, 1861. His father and mother were born in Illinois; both his grandfathers were born in Kentucky, and his great-grand-father, Cadwaledar Jones, was born in South Carolina. His ancestors took a prominent part in the Revolutionary War, one of them, Robert Anderson, being a chieftain along with Marion and Sumter. The Jones family originally came from Wales. The Anderson family, into which the grandfather of the subject of this sketch married, came from Ireland. The Staten family, into which the father of the subject of this sketch married, … Read more