Biography of W. W. Scott

Last Updated on July 8, 2012 by

W. W. SCOTT. W. W. Scott who is one of the oldest pioneers of Christian County, Missouri, has attained the advanced age of four-score years and five, for his birth occurred in Tennessee, December 21, 1809. Honorable and upright in every walk of life, his career has been without blot or blemish, and he is one of the best-preserved, physically and mentally, of the men who have reached his age.

His father, Thomas Scott, was a native of that grand old State, Virginia, but at an early day migrated to Kentucky, where he married Elizabeth Jones, a native of North Carolina. Then together they moved to Tennessee, and there the mother of our subject died. The father came to Taney County, Missouri, in 1846, or about that time, and there followed farming. Game was plentiful in those days and Mr. Scott often killed deer and bear. By his marriage to Miss Jones he became the father of eight children, as follows: Betsey A., Dicy A., James H., Wm. W., (subject), Thomas, Lavina (mother of J. J. Bruton), M. A. and Lucinda.

The subject of this sketch grew to mature years in his native State, and was there married to Miss Frances Slate, who bore him six children: Emily J., Margaret E., George W., Thomas T., William R. and Francis. After his marriage Mr. Scott moved to Arkansas. His wife died in Carroll County of that State, and when the war broke out he came to Missouri. He was a guide in the Union Army. His second marriage was with Mrs. Mary J. Parr, a resident of Carroll County, Arkansas Three children blessed this union: James H., Eliza J. and John G. Mr. Scott has followed farming for the most part of his life, but at an early day he was a large cattle trader. Many a time has he taken his cattle to St. Louis. He has been an extensive traveler in these parts and is a well-posted man. A Republican in politics, he is a man of good judgment and is considered one of the influential citizens of the county. Both our subject’s grandfathers were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. Mr. Scott voted for William H. Harrison and for Benjamin Harrison. He is living a retired life and has a comfortable and attractive home. He also has a small farm in the county. In his religious views he is a Baptist.


A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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